• Profile picture of MonicaDunnagan


    1 year, 11 months ago

    I want to say that I simply have been a sponge absorbing such creativity through these workshops. Building my landing page or advertising has been my downfall, but I am getting there. I spent a good deal of time in my website and while people tell me they love it – I notice there where no core values on my landing page and I had a professional assist in the development of it.

    Here is what I have been working on:
    “Transform your life with Monica” Really works with all genres, but especially young and mid-live crises women.
    My core values and I am still working on the deeper dive meaning.

    Transformation – Women need to know that they can change their health concerns without fad diets.
    Empower: Entrust women to take charge and connect with their own health.
    Sustain: Build a continuous life style free of gunk.
    Commitment: We are here to stand strong and meet you where you are in your journey. Not our journey, but yours. No hidden cost or fees. No pressure.

    I like the graphics and believe I will add those as well and then post it.

    Okay, fear over I did it.
