• Profile picture of MonicaDunnagan


    1 year, 7 months ago

    The Turning Point for me was watching my mother slowly die of a terrible desease call dementia (May is still hard for me) and now my husband with cancer and lewy body dementia and the doctors fix? Take this drug or that drug.
    I am an educator and research for me is a key to learning! I dove into Healthy living and decided the next step was Healthy Coaching. Everyone needs a doctor from time to time. However! Everyone should be their own advocate to living their best life possible.
    It is easy to think that you are STUCK in any situation! Wrong! No one has to remain stuck!
    Transform Your Life with Monica will walk you through the steps you need to recognize how to become UNSTUCK! Take Control of You! Be the driver in your next Health Check up! For your free initial consultation email me at dunnagan.consultants@gmail.com or visit my website: https://dunnaganconsultants2.liveeditaurora.com

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    • Great first draft. Do you feel you are emotionally ready to dive deeper to tell more of this story? There needs to be the “snake” or “roller coaster” to get that soul-level connection with people.

    • Powerful and moving situation! The story seems fragmented. If you’re not ready to dive deeper into the first paragraph, you can build on your story with Shannon’s steps and turning points. Being able to weave in “everyone needs a doctor” and “be their own advocate” to connect to the set-up is a bonus. If you’re like me, you have the experience but not the business history to get very far in the “snake.” Interested to see how others deal with this! But there are seeds to a couple more steps in your second paragraph and I’m looking forward to reading how you develop them.

    • I look forward to hearing more about your decision to become a full on health coach. did anyone try to “stop” you ? did you have an internal struggle with your decision?

      • Hi Daniela, No one has tried to stop me. The decision was very strong without a struggle. after watching my mother lose all aspect of her life with dementia, it killed me. Now watching the same thing happen to my husband is even worse. Dementia, cancer, liver disease – you name it! We can all learn how to better our health and lifestyles. I do need to work on this plan some more.
