Hey everyone, I am not going to make it today. Surprise work meeting! Arggggg.
I want to say that I simply have been a sponge absorbing such creativity through these workshops. Building my landing page or advertising has been my downfall, but I am getting there. I spent a good deal of time in my website and while people tell me they love it – I notice there where no core values on my landing page and I had a professional…Read More
Transformation: Because we believe that everyone has the inner ability to change what they do not like about their life!
This is a great start and something you can run with. To go a layer deeper – anytime you say “everyone” or “anybody” – I can’t picture a single person to send to you. Can you get clearer with some identifiers? (there is a training that is titled: Bold Identifiers that you can do to help you get some ideas)
Have not found that training yet. Yes I agree it is generic and I am struggling with identifying a certain group. For example I work with young wives, students, caregivers, etc.
I did not mean to do this.