• Profile picture of Jaini Shah

    Jaini Shah

    7 months, 1 week ago

    Email Number 3- if you read this email, would you want to know more about what food to eat and avoid? Hoping to get some discovery calls booked! @amymshannonhernandez-com @clientsmshannonhernandez-com

    Subject Line: Does it rot?
    Preview: How do you know if food is real?

    Hook Line: Something weird happened, I bought a croissant and decided not to eat it, and then A YEAR LATER- the croissant is still here 😷😷

    [Video clip:]

    Something I have learned along the way since prioritising my health is that we have really been conned into believing what “food” is. It has become so normal to see breads, pastries, desserts, packeted items everywhere. And when we choose to eat veggies, fruits and real ingredients we are met with comments of “Oh are you on a diet?!”

    And I for the longest of time was one of those people that made those comments and believed that all this white looking stuff and things in a box/bottle/packet was food. But after I did the WILDFIT Challenge (3 month process of changing my relationship with food and educating myself around nutrition), my eyes opened. And my brain became independent again. I am very grateful for this because now I feel great in my body and have this constant surge of energy to let me do the things that I love.

    Here’s a great rule I use to help assess what food is- does it ROT? If not, then it’s not food because if bacteria don’t want it, there is no way your gut wants it or even needs it. And is likely going to have a hard time digesting it.

    So, what are you going to choose to put in your body? If you have any thoughts around this I’d love to hear from you 😊

    [Insert discovery call button]

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    • Don’t add fluff to the hook line
      Hook Line: Something weird happened, I bought a croissant and decided not to eat it, and then A YEAR LATER- the croissant is still here 😷😷

      Get straight to it: I bought a croissant and decided not to eat it, and then A YEAR LATER- the croissant is still here

About Me

Jaini Shah

Food Relationship Coach, Rapid Transformational Therapist

At 30 Jaini felt like she was 60 and knew something had to change. In January 2020 she embarked on a health journey that turned everything around from having more energy, to having normal thyroid function and being happier on a day to day basis. She left her corporate law career and became a Food Relationship Coach and a Rapid Transformational Therapist to help others also rewrite their health stories. She loves to be camping in the bush if she's not coaching, being outdoors and always being curious about how we can be better than yesterday.


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