• Profile picture of Jaini Shah

    Jaini Shah

    2 months ago

    Following yesterday’s call here’s a draft of the email I’d like to send out. Let me know if it’s catchy and if you get the point?

    Subject line: Don’t Invite the Holiday Weight
    Preview: Have fun on holiday!

    Hook: Say goodbye to the holiday weight – or just don’t invite it in the first place!
    Sound too good to be true?

    Here’s the thing, I’m so grateful to have travelled a whole bunch this year and if I put on weight every time I travelled, I would have some serious health concerns by now.

    If you always put on weight because of “holiday food” (hope you know what I mean!) then you’re probably not helping your overall health goals. Because being on a seesaw is stressful for you and your body. When you’re back from holiday you’re stressed and thinking about the holiday pounds which makes you more stressed and find it harder to get back on track.

    So how can you change this cycle? I always encourage clients to really look at a holiday in a different way. Have you ever thought about what you actually want to enjoy on holiday apart from the food? That might seem scary, especially if what you love about a holiday is food. But I guarantee you, there’s so much more to enjoy. Especially if you want to meet or maintain your health goals, you can have a holiday that’s fun, relaxing and includes food without feeling the guilt, pressure or holiday weight.

    What has helped me and clients the most is being mindful and having a plan on holiday that works for you.

    Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could feel incredible on holiday, awake and fresh to enjoy where you are and to feel light and energetic in your body? And on top of that to feel so easy flowing around food where you find yourself easily making healthy choices and with freedom having something sweet here and there? And just not feeling pressure or guilt around food PLUS knowing that you’re coming back home refreshed and the same weight as before?

    Here are three questions to help you navigate your next holiday:
    1. What is fun about a holiday other than food?
    2. How do you want to FEEL physically and emotionally on holiday?
    3. Why is health important for you?

    If you’d like to dive deeper into this so you can fully visualise your ideal holiday where you can have fun and be healthy at the same time, then join us for the Holiday Vision Board Workshop happening on Friday 22 November at 5pm EAT (9am NYT).

    Click here to join: https://wildbutterfly.myflodesk.com/qbu3cw7hmc

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    • Hey @jaini-shah15gmail-com, I love this email because it is a huge struggle for everyone. I would be more tempted to open the email if it had a catchy title like “Escape the holiday hangovers and turkey dinner syndrome” and as a sub title “Do this instead” or something around those lines.

      I would have this sentence right at the top. That would keep me reading: Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could feel incredible on holiday, awake and fresh to enjoy where you are and to feel light and energetic in your body?

      I love these questions. I would be tempted to share these questions on social media and ask people to answer them…could generate some leads and ignite a powerful conversation:
      Here are three questions to help you navigate your next holiday:
      1. What is fun about a holiday other than food?
      2. How do you want to FEEL physically and emotionally on holiday?
      3. Why is health important for you?

      I’m excited to feel better this holiday without alcohol so I totally love this email. It could be amazing to share stories of people who have done this and are raving about their new traditions!

    • I see you having fun playing with this theme. I can’t wait to see what results you have had in our session today 💜

About Me

Jaini Shah

Food Relationship Coach, Rapid Transformational Therapist

At 30 Jaini felt like she was 60 and knew something had to change. In January 2020 she embarked on a health journey that turned everything around from having more energy, to having normal thyroid function and being happier on a day to day basis. She left her corporate law career and became a Food Relationship Coach and a Rapid Transformational Therapist to help others also rewrite their health stories. She loves to be camping in the bush if she's not coaching, being outdoors and always being curious about how we can be better than yesterday.


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