• Following yesterday’s call here’s a draft of the email I’d like to send out. Let me know if it’s catchy and if you get the point?

    Subject line: Don’t Invite the Holiday Weight
    Preview: Have fun on holiday!

    Hook: Say goodbye to the holiday weight – or just don’t invite it in the first place!
    Sound too good to be true?

    Here’s the thing,…Read More

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    • Hey @jaini-shah15gmail-com, I love this email because it is a huge struggle for everyone. I would be more tempted to open the email if it had a catchy title like “Escape the holiday hangovers and turkey dinner syndrome” and as a sub title “Do this instead” or something around those lines.

      I would have this sentence right at the top. That would…Read More

    • I see you having fun playing with this theme. I can’t wait to see what results you have had in our session today 💜


    Would love some feedback here please, is the email too wordy? Am I direct enough as to who I’m talking to and what I believe? Note I am using this as a welcome sequence for those who join my list through my landing page/link in bio form.

    Subject: FirstNAME, Nice to meet you!
    Preview: [Lets Get Healthy]

    Hello…Read More

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    • individuals in your BIG mission section falls flat. It seems not like you and is cold. Look at your bold qualifiers… what else can you use there?

      • Thanks Amy. What are bold qualifiers? Here’s a re-work of the Big Mission: “My BIG mission is to help tired individuals change their mindset and food habits so that they can wake up feeling fresh, have the energy to do all the things they love, go on adventures with ease and just feel light, energetic and happy in their body. “

      • How do you find the edited version? Also this is a third version. I really want to get this nurture sequence out this week, so any feedback would be great!

        “My BIG mission is to empower individuals who feel tired, stuck, or held back by fears, mental blocks, or unhealthy habits to take a stand for their health. I want to help you wake up feeling…Read More

    • Hi @jaini-shah15gmail-com Here are some thoughts.

      This empowering statement would have kep me reading if it were at the beginning: My BIG mission is to help individuals who are seeking more energy to do the things they love, want to break through any fears or mental blocks that are holding them back to take a stand for their health, master their…Read More

      • Thanks Jen! That helps. I was following the format in the Nurture Sequence training that’s why the Big Mission is where it is in the email 🙈 But totally get what you’re saying. Also need to refine the pain points and the ideal outcome.

  • QUESTION- Can the May 2024 Lead Magnet Nurture sequence also work for creating my general nurture sequence? So when people sign up to my email list from my link in bio form can I use this Nurture Sequence as a template?
    Also is there something I can watch to help with my messaging on my link in bio form/landing page?

    • Related to this would you suggest that as I create my new welcome sequence, I add those are already on my list (and may have gone through my old sequence) to the new sequence to run through it? @amymshannonhernandez-com?

    • May 2024 nurture sequence is totally the one to use as a guide

    • Did you watch landing page copy in the Direct Offer Content? It isn’t going to be exactly what you are asking for (bio is coming up though) but I think it will help.

      • Thanks! I’ll add this to my list to watch. In relation to my email list- would you suggest that as I create my new welcome sequence, I add those who are already on my list (and may have gone through my old sequence) to the new sequence to run through it?

  • Hi everyone! Sorry for being a bit quiet for the last few weeks, its been a travel month! Watched the October Replay and here is my first draft of a debunking BS email. Is it clear on what the BS? And do you feel I am bringing out my expertise enough?

    Subject line: Work out so you can Eat
    Preview: That’s a LIE!

    Hi NAME,

    Did you know that…Read More

  • Hi Guys! So I’m finally getting back to working on my lead conversion tool since the Workshop a few months ago. And this was spurred on because I am watching the May course on the lead magnet nurture sequence. I would love your eyes on this draft document. What do you understand from this checklist, what do you think it’s trying to do? Is it…Read More

    DRAFT- Energy Booster Checklist.pdf
    125.92 KB
    • This is an energy assessment, not really a checklist. Calling it a checklist will leave people confused.
      I think after the 5 questions, you need to state “keep reading to get your rating” You also need to give instruction that you need to add up your numbers after the last questions.

    • I liked the way you did the myths in between the questions and the results …it kept my interest. Lots of info but I loved it. I am sure many will find this info really interesting.

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About Me

Jaini Shah

Food Relationship Coach, Rapid Transformational Therapist

At 30 Jaini felt like she was 60 and knew something had to change. In January 2020 she embarked on a health journey that turned everything around from having more energy, to having normal thyroid function and being happier on a day to day basis. She left her corporate law career and became a Food Relationship Coach and a Rapid Transformational Therapist to help others also rewrite their health stories. She loves to be camping in the bush if she's not coaching, being outdoors and always being curious about how we can be better than yesterday.


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