• Profile picture of Blair Hope

    Blair Hope posted a new activity comment

    @lisajohnsvagmail-com and @jaini-shah15gmail-com– Thanks for your feedback! The problem from the client’s pov is that their dog is barking and reacting, and that causes them stress. Definitely the person’s reaction to the behavior is also causing stress and I help them with this during my program, but I have discovered that my clients consistently…Read More

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  • Profile picture of Shannon

    Shannon posted a new activity comment

    I LOVE this piece – and the opening line. and the story! Well done @jaini-shah15gmail-com. Remember, subject lines and preview lines need to be 5 words or less – so you need to rethink this long preview line.

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  • Profile picture of Shannon

    Shannon posted a new activity comment

    Hi @jaini-shah15gmail-com – love this take on holidays and over eating. Can you include in the last paragraph a bulleted list of the 3 takeaways from the workshop?

About Me

Jaini Shah

Food Relationship Coach, Rapid Transformational Therapist

At 30 Jaini felt like she was 60 and knew something had to change. In January 2020 she embarked on a health journey that turned everything around from having more energy, to having normal thyroid function and being happier on a day to day basis. She left her corporate law career and became a Food Relationship Coach and a Rapid Transformational Therapist to help others also rewrite their health stories. She loves to be camping in the bush if she's not coaching, being outdoors and always being curious about how we can be better than yesterday.


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