• Next draft- Any and all feedback is SO helpfull before I release it into the world 🙂
    Hello ,
    I am committed to helping you be more body positive by encouraging and providing education around loving yourself fully and unconditionally so that you can focus on living your life to the fullest.

    Have you ever been excited to go out with friends,…Read More

    1 Comment
    • Good, you are keeping this all on theme…. but I was confused by this line
      (you know, like running a successful business, making change in the world, and being a positive role model)

  • This my 1st draft from Wednesday’s session. Does it flow and make sense? To wordy? Compelling? Thanks 🙂

    Email Subject line-focusing on your body all night?

    Hello ,
    I am committed to helping you be more body positive by encouraging and providing education around loving yourself fully and unconditionally so that you can focus on living your…Read More

    • This is the theme… only to feel insecure about the outfit you chose
      but your questions are all over.

  • Any feed back would be great- is it compelling? CTA in line with the content? More or Less “story”?
    Email # 2
    Subject line: She stood in the storm
    And when the wind did not blow her away she adjusted her sails

    Gosh let me tell you when I picked up a camera again after not touching one for 20 years was it different! No film, lots of…Read More

    • You have a lot of beautiful pieces in here, but it feels disjointed and the CTA came as a bit of a shock. I just didn’t see it heading there.

      If a retreat is what you are offering, I would use the “she stood in the storm” story for something else and create a story around “you are the definition of beauty.” What does that mean and look like and…Read More

    • @annettepresleyhotmail-com great job on the input around making the opening lines – which I LOVE – match the offer, which is the retreat. @kathymthoodphotography-com there seems to be a diconnect here. Maybe a tie in to how a retreat can help you expand your sails? reset after internal storms?

    • I agree it feels kind of disjointed. You have the sentence, “Work that revolves around, empowering, uplifting, encouraging, getting curious, learning and showing each and every woman that “You are the definition of Beauty”.” Perhaps focusing on one of these things could provide a theme that ties the story to the call to action?

  • HI All- I am so excited to be a part of the group. I found that peer reviews, suggestions and input can be priceless.
    Here is what I have come up with after listening to last weeks lesson and being a part of today’s.

    Please comment on my email tag line is it compelling you to open the email?
    Does the story resonate and have impact?
    Is my…Read More

    Profile PhotoProfile PhotoProfile Photo liked this
    • Really like the subject line, often we shy away from pain. And the story is wonderful. The line that the photo shoot was her reset point really resonated with me. For the first line of the email, perhaps look at how to make the first sentence more about the emotion than the fact that you had a meeting. Shooting in the dark but something like I was…Read More

    • Can you tie this back to the story? These questions are all very vague (but I do want to say… a good start) I know you can bring this together.
      What would you want your photo shoot to include? Is there a theme you like? An outfit that is the bomb? A fantasy look that you want to explore? Reply to this email and share with me. I love to hear and…Read More

    • Your subject line would get me to open your email!
