• Profile picture of KerriKender


    1 year, 4 months ago

    Here’s my post I created for LinkedIn today….going to reformat it for an email to teacher leaders tomorrow. Any feedback welcomed! (The photo is one that is similar to the one I posted, I just couldn’t find the one without the wording blocking out the image for the purposes of this app post?

    📚 Educator burnout is a prevalent issue in our school communities.

    🔥 Approximately 60% of teachers frequently or always experience job-related stress.

    📣 More than 1/5 of school and teaching support staff also experience burnout.

    😪 Almost half of K-12 teachers feel burned out at work “very often.”

    📅👩‍🏫 30% of teachers are found to be chronically absent.

    We can’t ignore that, behind the scenes, our educators are in need of support. So many of them show up to work each day with smiles on their faces, ready to fill the roles asked of them. It’s essential that the structures supporting them address the issues affecting their wellness. Do we agree? Let’s reflect on whether our actions align with our beliefs, as well as the aforementioned statistics. We provide out staff with training on protocols, data, testing, and the like, but do we also equip them to take care of themselves emotionally and physically?

    If schools implemented more professional development on these topics, I can guarantee a heightened school culture and increased job satisfaction for your staff.

    As school leaders, do we prioritize wellness for ourselves? When we prioritize our health and wellness, do our days unfold more organically with ease? Are we better equipped to face life’s stresses with greater emotional resilience?

    My mission is to support schools in mindfulness, stress reduction, and wellness. Absolutely, here’s a compelling ending for your post:

    Investing in the well-being of our educators isn’t just a noble cause; it’s a strategic imperative. When we nurture their physical and emotional wellness, we empower them to be the best versions of themselves in the classroom. Let’s make a commitment to support our teachers, school staff, and leaders on their journey towards a healthier, happier educational environment. Together, we can build a future where every day in our schools is a day of growth, resilience, and inspiration. Join me in this mission, and let’s transform the world of education, one mindful step at a time. 🌟 #KerriKalm #WellnessForAll

    • Is this following a format from the recorded sessions?

      • Feeling maybe I’m a little lost….I put statistics in the beginning of my message as the symptoms. Maybe that’s not right? Can I put another hook and them curate the message around that. What about if I summed up the statistics to one paragraph?

        • Let’s honestly reflect, school leaders, have we checked in on our teachers wellness? Teacher turnover, vacancies, stress, and burnout are at an all time high….

          • I went based off my notes, trying to paint a picture with my messaging, and then going into the diagnosis. Amy, If you can provide some insight into where I went wrong, would love to modify. Would love to spend 3 hours watching the videos from october, when I have time. I see that one of the meetings in October has meeting notes. Are there abridged notes from the other two sessions?

            • Got it, you are following the Symptoms/Diagnosis format. THAT is what we need to know when you ask for Feedback so we can help you with the framework. I wasn’t sure if you watched another video in the portal or where this came come. Make it clear by staying something like “This is my Symptom/Diagnosis post and I plan on using it in an email to my list as well”

              Now knowing what framework you are following, This stat is very different than what I have seen, where the others seem to be more well know – therefor I think this makes a better hook: 📅👩‍🏫 30% of teachers are found to be chronically absent.

              Break up that first paragraph. And I feel like the middle statement is a stronger ending. Just a little reorganization. If you already sent this out to your email. Try making another post this week or next week with the rework and see if it resonates differently.
              We can’t ignore that, behind the scenes, our educators are in need of support. So many of them show up to work each day with smiles on their faces, ready to fill the roles asked of them. It’s essential that the structures supporting them address the issues affecting their wellness.

              Let’s reflect on whether our actions align with our beliefs, as well as the aforementioned statistics I shared above.

              As school leaders, do we prioritize wellness for ourselves? When we prioritize our health and wellness, do our days unfold more organically with ease? Are we better equipped to face life’s stresses with greater emotional resilience?

              My mission is to support schools in mindfulness, stress reduction, and wellness. Absolutely, here’s a compelling ending for your post:

              Investing in the well-being of our educators isn’t just a noble cause; it’s a strategic imperative. When we nurture their physical and emotional wellness, we empower them to be the best versions of themselves in the classroom. Let’s make a commitment to support our teachers, school staff, and leaders on their journey towards a healthier, happier educational environment. Together, we can build a future where every day in our schools is a day of growth, resilience, and inspiration. Join me in this mission, and let’s transform the world of education, one mindful step at a time.

              If schools implemented more professional development on these topics, I can guarantee a heightened school culture and increased job satisfaction for your staff.

              We provide out staff with training on protocols, data, testing, and the like, but do we also equip them to take care of themselves emotionally and physically?
