Did you all get the email with the outline? See you tomorrow!
Did you all get the email with the messaging guide for tomorrow? It was sent this AM.
@clientsmshannonhernandez-com Shannon I’m just curious did you use ChatGPT to draft the sample email that is in the messaging guide for February 2025? I ask because it sounds a little different to how you write and also sounds a little like ChatGPT, because it sounds like how some of my emails come out when I ask ChatGPT to help me refine my draft…Read More
Share your social media post for any of your content from the Mission Driven Storytelling here! I want to share it with my community as well 💜
Sure! Here’s my Instagram and LinkedIn posts:
Happy New Year everyone! Who is ready to dive into Mission Driven Story Telling tomorrow. See you all at Noon ET 💜
Here’s my ‘beyond your bio’ email. Any feedback is welcome!
How coming out of a cult…
Led me to think outside the boxDid you know I grew up in a cult that God changed from the top down (so the cult doesn’t exist anymore), and coming out gave me the ability to make connections that can help people heal faster?
Losing my religion was one…Read More
Annette- this is great! I was with you util this sentence; If you are tired of feeling like crap, being gaslit by your doctor, and being told nothing is wrong with you because your labs are normal, let’s talk. Maybe something like if you have unanswered questions, are not being heard, feel like there are more options than what have been d…Read More
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it! I feel like I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Most women I run into really resonate with the feeling like crap and gaslighting, but there are some who don’t. So, lol, I guess I will just have to decide which group I want to work with. Maybe I can alternate my approach, but I don’t know if that’s…Read More
I agree with Kathy. I love it all – except that part just felt a little too on the nose. As someone with a lifelong chronic medical condition that was only diagnosed 8 years ago, I had many caring doctors who didn’t know what to do with me. They just didn’t have the information. Maybe you can acknowledge both situations so that someone doesn’t…Read More
The first part of your email is great, captivating story and helps a reader understand how you have an open mind. I’m finding it hard to relate the sentence “If you are tired of feeling like crap, being gaslit by your doctor, and being told nothing is wrong with you because your labs are normal, let’s talk.” to everything else you have said in y…Read More
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