would love some feedback. Is it compelling?
Here is a key reason your hormones are behaving badly, even though you are eating a healthy diet and taking DIM.
Your minerals are out of whack. You have too much iron and not enough copper.
What do I mean by that?None of us wants to bust our butt at the gym, eat kale, and take a boatload of…Read More
Sorry I have to miss the session today, November 2nd, but will for sure check the recording and be ready for next week! Looking forward to it!
Who has used their 9 Word Emails? Come to class on Wed with something sent/posted so we can talk about the results and next steps. 🙂
decided to create a “9 word email” as a social media post – let’s see if i get some love!!!!
HI Everyone,
I decided to try something different w/ my 9 word email.
I thought I would use this format to test a possible opt-in gift and hopefully gain some feedback. The video/audio is really rough cut, but I think that’s okay. Feel free to give feedback.
Re: Thank You FName
Preview Text: A Gift & a RequestHi F…Read More
3 Comments - Load More Posts
Jackie Barker
Susanlazar hart
Christine Laria
taking DIM? It’s a powerful story. Not sure you need this at the end – (which are BIG issues costing you time, money, joy, and your sanity). You’ve unearthed those pieces in your story.