Hi, I’m Karen Joy
What I do: I am THE Purposetivity Mentor for creative entrepreneurs who want to get important shit done. Together we build systems as river banks that keep you in FLOW.
And more interesting for this group, HOW I do it: As a TinyBiz! TinyBiz is a movement for those of us in a stage of life where, beyond a certain income, we…Read More
Karen Joy Fritz changed their profile picture
Hello, hello!! I’m Jessica, and I’m a hypnotherapist in the Seattle area. I am relatively new to the field; I became certified one year ago, and went full-time 4 months ago. Every single client inspires me, most especially the moments they gain their success and all the confidence that comes with that. That said, starting this type of…Read More
JessicaPetter changed their profile picture
TanyaEasterling changed their profile picture
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