Jennifer Jane Young posted a new activity comment
Thanks @lisajohnsvagmail-com 🙂 I know I always have so much to say lol. I’ll work on tightning up my emails a bit!!
Thanks @amymshannonhernandez-com. Good idea to put it with the dowload. Was my email pretty enticing and clear? Or does the email in general have too much information?
Blair Hope posted a new activity comment
@lisajohnsvagmail-com and @jaini-shah15gmail-com– Thanks for your feedback! The problem from the client’s pov is that their dog is barking and reacting, and that causes them stress. Definitely the person’s reaction to the behavior is also causing stress and I help them with this during my program, but I have discovered that my clients consistently…Read More
About Me
Lisa Johns
Full of Grace Bookkeeping
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this should be in the download, not this email. You are trying to do too much in 1 single email.
I suggest doing the meditation first to unleash your intuition and then dive into the journal questions. Set aside an hour and offer yourself a Say Yes retreat at home with a nice cup of tea or coffee and let yourself dream a little. Do the meditation…Read More