@mariaaskmaria-tech Wondering if you can give me some insight on new subscribers that have @hotmail.com, @gmail.com, @yahoo.com email addresses. We have 30+ new subscribers in the past week with these types of email addresses and no names (i.e. first and last name were not added at the time the email was added). Is this spam/robots? Should I…Read More
My target market is comprised mostly of retired women, and at least half of them have those old email addresses because their husband or kids set it up for them in the 90s and they never left. I only ask for first name, but if I get anyone through ConvertKit’s Creator Network or the Grow plugin, they are not shown the first name field, only the…Read More
Trae & Wyatt Spears is
feeling Excited
Hey, y’all! We are Trae and Wyatt and we own Ghostlight Marketing Agency. We are SO excited to be a part of the CLUB! Excited to learn all we can and gain lots of new friends. 😀

Sandra Halling
It’s quite likely that these are spam. I mean… when’s the last time you used Yahoo!? haha
In most cases, I would recommend a double opt-in process so that people who fill out the form have to click a confirmation link in order to verify that they’re 1) Human, and 2) definitely interested in getting your email. It’s the best way to avoid spam…Read More