• Hey folks! I have been working on a Value Messaging Post, and I would love your thoughts on it. Thank you in advance!

    Selling: the Business Podcast Accelerator sample call ROI Clinic

    Topic of that call: Using Your Podcast to educate + nurture new leads, Case Studies + Hotseats for attendee podcast optimization.

    Destination: This will go…Read More

    Profile Photo liked this
    • @megandougherty I love the simplicity and efficiency of this post. It gets straight to the point and provides immediate value.

      I wonder if you could simply this line, “There are a few different ways you can position a podcast on your website and in your sales process to increase your know like and trust factor, shorten sales cycles, and let…Read More

    • How can we make it more about them – less about you in the last line?
      “we’re going to be looking a”
      “You will have a chance to see how other businesses have suscessfully impliemnted these three tips to their prodcasts to close more sales.”
