KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman and TinaJones
Who is available and interested in meeting this Friday, November 11, either at 10:30 AM or 11 AM ET to get support with their draft for this month’s message? I will set up a Zoom meeting.
Kerstin Peters is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Please join us. We will work on the November message.
Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Members
Time: Nov 11, 2022 11:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87071997774?pwd=Uk51WXF5bFBDL1YrVGttNTVHMXhZZz09Meeting ID: 870 7199…Read More
Sorry I have to miss the session today, November 2nd, but will for sure check the recording and be ready for next week! Looking forward to it!
Who has used their 9 Word Emails? Come to class on Wed with something sent/posted so we can talk about the results and next steps. 🙂
HI Everyone,
I decided to try something different w/ my 9 word email.
I thought I would use this format to test a possible opt-in gift and hopefully gain some feedback. The video/audio is really rough cut, but I think that’s okay. Feel free to give feedback.
Re: Thank You FName
Preview Text: A Gift & a RequestHi F…Read More
Does anyone have the chat from yesterday saved? I had created a Word doc w/ notes from the session, but for some damn reason it did not save. I’m going to listen again, and recreate. The chat would be helpful if someone has it. Thanx in advance. Joel
Hey Joel! Reach out to @amymshannonhernandez-com via email and she can get it to you. She did save it before we closed the meeting. Woohoo!
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Karen Joy Fritz
I’m in.