• Profile picture of Shannon

    Shannon posted a new activity comment

    OMG this made me laugh my ass off. WELL DONE. Your personality shines here – and guess what? THAT is what people buy. Good job getting out of your comfort zone @norbeckgmail-com

    • Thanks, Shannon! Glad to hear it, especially since I won’t be able to make tomorrow’s session thanks to some work nonsense. 🙂

  • Profile picture of Shannon

    Shannon posted a new activity comment

    @norbeckgmail-com – also went to your website – and I have some feedback on that, if you are open to it? Let me know 🙂

    • That poor website has been reviewed by SO many people that it’s probably gonna have an identity crisis, but sure, why not? 🤣

  • Profile picture of Shannon

    Shannon posted a new activity comment

    @norbeckgmail-com – Nancy – such a joy to hear you in action today. I might have a new podcast to tune into. Love that this is off-the cuff, short, and your commentary and insight. love the invitation to be silly and foolish at the end.
