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Veronica (Vee) DrakeOffline

  • I finally have my Checklist Assessment DONE!

    WHEW… it took some time as I needed to work on the content pieces for the nurture sequence. So far I have received some good feedback!

    I would love your feedback everyone 😀

    And @amymshannonhernandez-com

    Thank you in advance!

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    • WHOA! I jsut went thru your content AND I WAS EXCITED to get my list — this is OUTSTANDING

    • I would love to see/hear how you planned/plan your content for your newsletter – Im on you list 🙂

      • @vdrake123gmail-com what I did was take my membership framework, which is 6 steps and i break it down into bite size weekly content. I focus on each step for 2 months=12 months of content. I format it like this (1) Something personal about me – i always want to relate in my emails (2) a bite size membership strategy and execution plan (3) a member…Read More

    • Good flow! Congrats on getting this done. You knocked it out of the park!

    • Nice assessment, Reejade! Really thorough and organized in easy-to-understand chunks. I had two thoughts:
      Your title – Without context, I didn’t know what kind of membership you were talking about until you introduced yourself as someone who’s experienced in online communities. Feels to me like the title needs some kind of qualifier, like…Read More

    • I just downloaded this and it looks lovely and is very detailed. Like what Dan said, I didn’t realise it was memberships for communities, and that would have pulled me in faster because I’m looking to increase the membership in my community. So adding that clarity to the title might be helpful. Just a technical note, I am receiving the emails…Read More

      • Hi thank you ! Can you explain the clarity in the titile because it says membership growth . I’m not really understanding the disconnect . What would be a title that made you understand. You and Dan are the only 2 people who said they didn’t get it. Also the scoring has instructions. If it is a yes you put a 1 . If it is a no you out 0. And…Read More

        • For the title, I think if I had read something like grow your Community Membership it would have been direct. Membership on its own could have been membership to a club, a mastermind, business subscription memberships. Each email I received twice, the one delivering the checklist and the follow up email with the mini-trainings I received twice…Read More

          • Awww! Thank you ! I see your description of what you think a membership is is not what I teach and so many people get it confused on what a membership is . It’s community . Some people call course and club membership and that’s just not true. I will add some language in there to speak to whay a membership is and I can a explanation video on the…Read More

  • Hi Everyone- looking for some support with naming my LinkedIn newsletter. Would love some feedback. i want to talk about simple strategies to leverage technology to grow your online community through a membership or subscription.

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    • So I am thinking : Community Garden- when I look at my joyful board plants is on there and my image from the last retreat was a Tree. Any thoughts?

      • pic of a community garden sounds fine. It’s hard to comment w/o more detail about what you want to acheive

    • what’s the current name? Regardless, I would play off your name, so Reviving Your Communities w/ Reejade. or Reejade’s Revolution Resources for Communities.

      • Hi ! Thank you for the feedback. there is no current name as there is no linkedin newsletter yet 😀 i am trying to create a name for it. i mentioned my goal above which is i want to talk about simple strategies to leverage technology to grow your online community through a membership or subscription.

    • HI – Tech Tips –simplify your online growth

      • OOO- thank you! I was thinking Online Community Made Easy or Online Community Growth Made Easy, OR Online Community Made Simple

    • I just did my first newsletter, and you are very limited as to how many characters you can have in the name. I believe it’s 30 for the name and 120 characters in the description. That being said, I like Grow Your Community Online, and you could make the garden connection in the description. If I saw Community Garden as the name, I would subscribe,…Read More

      • Carrie thank you for your insight! What’s the link to your newsletter I would like to follow. What do you think about this : Online Community Made Easy or Online Community Growth Made Easy, OR Online Community Made Simple

    • @AmyHagar do you mind providing some input here please?

  • @amymshannonhernandez-com What is the best way to organize all the messaging we are developing? Tabs in an excel sheet? A google drive folder with different google docs?

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  • Profile picture of ReeJade

    ReeJade changed their profile picture

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  • Just saying hey everyone! New here. I look forward to meeting everyone.

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About Me

Veronica Drake

Intuitive Business Coach

I'm Veronica Drake, but most people know me as Vee. I've been navigating the realm of intuitive business consulting for nearly two decades now, and let me tell you, it's been quite the journey.

My mission? Helping women unlock their potential, make empowering decisions, and tap into their creativity like never before. I believe in living boldly, confidently, and authentically – and I'm here to guide others on that path.

With a Metaphysical degree in Spiritual Counseling and professional training as a Spiritual Life Coach, I've honed my skills to connect with people on a deeper level. My signature creation, The One Word Method, is a game-changer – a quick, intuitive assessment that cuts through the noise and gets straight to the heart of where women are feeling stuck.

Whether I'm speaking on stage as a keynote or motivational speaker, or sharing insights on podcasts and radio shows, my approach is always down-to-earth and relatable. I've been called a 'life changer', a 'guardian angel and cheerleader rolled into one', and even a 'coach, intuitive, and magician' – titles I wear with pride.

My journey as an entrepreneur began in 2006, and since then, my business has blossomed to serve women from all corners of the globe. As a Master Intuitive, I specialize in guiding spiritually curious, ambitious women who are ready to embrace change and reinvent themselves.

So, if you're ready to embark on a transformational journey, I'm here to help you every step of the way. Let's unlock your true potential and discover the magic within.




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