• LCT Welcome Letter Draft 2.

    Hello there!

    At the Wulfden, we strive to bring kindness and acceptance to every aspect of our business and community. We want to see everyone thrive, so we prioritize giving back through our sphere of influence and are here to support you to do the same. When we work with our clients to simplify their workflows…Read More

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    • Hey Carrie, for some reason the order still feels off to me and it didn’t feel like there was any urgency. Lots of business owners will deprioritize systems until their hair is on fire (IKYK)… so connecting the outcome they want with the work you do and why putting it off is a poor choice feels important.

      I pulled the in structure from what…Read More

      • I LOVE the rearranging that you did, it is super helpful. I sometimes struggle with the words and tend to go into the weeds. I appreciate your insight!

  • Profile picture of Sam Brabender

    Sam Brabender changed their profile picture

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  • Struggling a bit with the LCT Welcome Letter. I am not keen on the phrase “checklist assessment,” but I am unsure what else to call it. Here is what I have so far:

    Hello there!
    I’m so happy you found From Tangled Tech to Smooth Systems: Your playbook for evaluating how your software and workflows align with expansion and growth. Let’s dis…Read More

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    • I like it Carrie. The only thing I would add is… “I hope to speak with you soon!” doesn’t sound like an invitation. (in sales we have to ASK for the order). What’s the next step or action you want them to take after this?

    • Hey Carrie, I feel like the connection between your values and the purpose of the resource could be stronger. It took me a few reads to get what you were going for, and I still feel like I’m reading between the lines.

      Specifically, I wouldn’t repeat the title in the first sentence. I would use the brass tacks description you have at the end but…Read More

  • Profile picture of Whitney Doherty

    Whitney Doherty changed their profile picture

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  • Here’s a thought reversal piece I am working on but not sure it’s really there – suggestions welcome. Thanks, Wd
    Does this sound like you?

    -You tend to see people’s dreams bigger than they are able to see it for themselves.
    -You have an innate ability to hear the whisper of a dream coming from s…Read More

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  • Topic: How does your prior experience/work/career help to uniquely position what you do?

    I’m afraid this one might be too long, and I may have gotten a little soapbox. Would love any feedback.

    Subject Line: Unlock My Hidden Talents
    Preview Text: How volunteer work shapes exceptional professionals.

    Hook: Why you shouldn’t discount v…Read More

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    1 Comment
    • I like this piece. Enjoyed learning that about you. I would just like to be clear though, who is your audience?

  • Hi everyone,

    Would love any feedback on my post using past experience for thought reversal. Any great ideas for a better title would be greatly appreciated.

    Time to challenge assumptions?

    As an ex corporate marketer, I am first to admit that I was a snob when it came buying products from a direct sales company. How could they possibly…Read More

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    • I like this a lot! I think your hook could be: Is there a time you had to challenge your own assumptions? And then you go into the story as it is written. I do not see your CTA or transition at the end. what do you want them to do after reading this?

      • love your suggestion! CTA: Lets stay connected with my monthly newsletter.Click here to be kept up to date with new product developments and special promotions

    • I like that you shared the science behind the product, but I am missing the transition and what you want me to do next.

  • Lead Magnet Homework

    Lead Magnet Homework
    Dan Lewis
    Personal Brand Photographer and Brand Illuminator
    I help coaches, consultants and transformational leaders crystalize their uniqueness in vivid, authentic signature images that get noticed and connect.
    Lead magnet questions
    1. Who is your Level 5 buyer?
    Veteran coaches with high…Read More

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    • Insight of the day. I am tired of dealing with amateurs wrapped up in scarcity thinking.

      • GOOD – then it’s time to jump in a smaller pond with bigger FISH you can photograph. This also means your messaing needs to shift to your new level 5 buyer. Great awareness.

    • Love the visual charisma. Stopped me in my tracks and made me think.

    • With this shift – here is the messaging upgrades I see: 1) Brand Illumination Photographer (one title – tighten it up). In your “I Help statement”: be sure to say “veteran or established” this will weed out a lot of the scarcity and all in your fish! 3) CTA: Schedule Your Brand Illumination Session Today 4) I think your WHAT here is actually…Read More

  • Hello! I’d love some feedback on my lead conversion tool. Here is what I have so far, but I’m struggling.

    The idea I have for the resource is an assessment that will help them get clarity as to whether what they are currently using (if anything at all) is suiting their needs and if my solution would be an easier and less overwhelming option. Is…Read More

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    • @sarasarafins-com I could be your Level 5 client… so here’s my thoughts: “simple” is a word that I love wrt finances.😂 The thing I’m struggling with now is navigating QuickBooks. Agh. Simplicity and not getting myself “tied in knots” is what I’d be looking for… time saving is a very close second. I think your main content is spot on. The other…Read More

    • I agree with Ann. I love simple. Every year I say I will change but the set up is too overwhelming so i dont and stick with my own system. Being reminded of the time savings in the future would be attractive. However the thought in my head is..every minute spent on analysis is a minute not spent on growing my business so it needs to be quick. Hope…Read More

    Hi folks!
    I’m struggling with my Title and Subtitle for my Lead Conversion Tool for my Level 5 client and I’d love some feedback.
    Level 5 client:
    * women healthcare professionals
    * verging on burnout
    * despite doing a”all the things” to stay healthy and happy
    * they know something needs to change but they’re…Read More

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    • Hi @annannbecks-co – the ‘reclaim yourself’ subtitle doesn’t resonate with me. It feels murky. I’m not sure what that means. Can you use different wording there? I like the rest of it. The title feels clear and I like that different levels of assessment will lead to different suggestions/outcomes.

    • Reverse your path to Burnout: Get clarity on your ONE next step to reclaim yourself.

      i like the title because it reminds me of what could happen…but I agree with sara about the word reclaim. how about changing it to protect?

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