• Test post!

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  • PSA – I have a Love/Hate Relationship w/ Entertainment Hypnosis
    – I once had a woman run away when I told her that I was a hypnotist. She ran shouting, “don’t look at me, don’t talk to me.”
    Books, Movies, Videos, and more have helped create the myth that a hypnotist can control someone’s mind in trance.
    These fictional beliefs and fears a…Read More

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  • Hey Club Members! I am heading out for vacation till May 11. Shannon will be here to teach on Wed and work with you on our next theme…. Busting Industry Myths.
    If you still need help with you PSA – post it here on the community wally.
    If you have shared your PSA – post the link of where you shared it here so we can go see. ❤️

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  • Based on sharing this during the Content Personality Club, and some very helpful feedback, I cut this version down. And if I go to the new title, I’ll probably cut the entertainment hypnosis paragraphs further. At most, I’ll give this thing one more go around, before I finally get it out the door. It’s time to get to the next one. 🙂
    PSA v7 -…Read More

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    1 Comment
    • Hi Joel, don’t know why my prior comment isn’t showing up here, but this reads very well to me. You dive deeper into the approach and process you take with your clients and I understood the value of what you have to offer clearly; and the tone is assuringly encouraging. Bravo! Say, would you give me some feedback on my latest video blog? I posted…Read More

  • Profile picture of Dr. Judy Osterhage

    Dr. Judy Osterhage changed their profile picture

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  • Great session today!

    Remember these few things:

    1. You want to pay attention to what themes your audience/community is resonating with. “The market will tell you”. This is so true!

    2. The sooner you put out content and messaging, the sooner you will hone your marketing campaigns/strategy.

    3. Please keep putting out messaging/content…Read More

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  • Here is the latest version of my PSA. V6 if you can believe it. Hopefully, it is getting cleaner & clearer.

    PSA – I Have a Love/Hate Relationship w/ Entertainment Hypnosis
    – I hate when an entertainment hypnotist uses the model and myth kept alive by so many movies, books, and videos that the hypnotist control someone’s mind. It makes people a…Read More

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  • Hello everyone. I reworked my PSA a bit. I am planning to use this as a blog, and probably not an email at this time, FYI.

    TITLE: Why therapy fails and hypnotherapy succeeds

    Talk therapy SUCKS at solving your problems. It’s great at digging up the issues and gaining perspective, but it’s lousy at getting you past them. Fortunately, hyp…Read More

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    • Hi Jessica, this is now reading more effectively for me as a reader and covering all the bases. Brava!

    • And Jessica, would you also give me some feedback on my latest video blog? I posted the link here on our wall 2 days ago. Your thoughts are most appreciated! Thanks, Nancy

    • Hi again Jessica, I believe you asked me for feedback on your title? I think the current title is very effective ; and I also think the first sentence that follows it makes your point even stronger, “Talk therapy SUCKS”. If you’re open to kicking the tone up, how about something like,” Why Therapy SUCKS and Hypnotherapy ROCKS at Solving Your…Read More

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