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  • Profile picture of ReneeVardouniotis


    1 year, 4 months ago

    Second Post- Revised Offer! Feedback please 🙂

    Want to turn WORRY into PEACE OF MIND?
    If you are concerned about your adolescent’s mental wellness and feeling overwhelmed with how to handle it, this message is FOR YOU.

    Do any of these “I” statements resonate with you?

    – I worry about my child experiencing anxiety, depression
    – I struggle to give my kids the tools they need to adapt to challenges
    – I would love to give my kids the mindset to thrive and excel in an ever-changing world
    – I wish I had a safe and like-minded community to support me
    – I worry about my child being bullied
    – I am concerned my child will develop addictions
    – I am interested in techniques to help my children with their self-image
    – I worry about peer pressure and social media’s effects on my child
    – I want to support my child’s mental wellness but don’t know how
    – (add your personal “I” statement here, we could go on and on!)

    The BAD NEWS is…unfortunately, schools are not fully equipped to help us or our children.

    The GOOD NEWS is, I can help you! Our November group is open & waiting for just a few more parents to join.

    Our groups are a NO-JUDGEMENT ZONE. During our time together, parents receive personalized coaching and real-time guidance and applicable tools /practices to utilize with their kids immediately.
    We dive into topics such as: self-image, the power of our thoughts, confidence-building, goal setting, emotional intelligence, , fear, and mindfulness.

    BUT WAIT!!!! I have more good news!

    The first 5 people that respond “ME” will get to join this 4- week group for FREE.

    It is UP TO US as parents, as people, and as a community to give our kids the tools they need to overcome adversity. We are in this parent club TOGETHER!!!!!!

    Take the first step to join us NOW! Send me a DM and let’s set up a time to chat!

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    • Run with this as is… you did a good job. I really want to work on this HOOK: Want to turn WORRY into PEACE OF MIND?

      It is very vague. Any ideas of how to make it more powerful for a parent would stop their school and feel like you are talking directly to them in the very first sentence?

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