• Profile picture of Amy Flo-Yo

    Amy Flo-Yo

    2 years, 4 months ago

    I think I have my next hook/title: Payment Plans are for Pussies!

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    • Hmmm. I’m curious what the general outline of your content is. Honestly, it feels a bit harsh to me, and I’m not a person who needs payment plans…it is a turn off for me, but may have redeeming value with the content. Certainly gets the attention!! Much love!!

      • LOL I know I am still playing with it. feels a little too much “click bait” but I have been leaning into being bolder (as I am a VERY bold personality) the content is Payment plans are fine if you use them for the right reasons. But NOT if you are using them as a sales tactic to get interest. About knowing and owning your value!



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