Hey folks, Cathy Lemire and I are putting together a joint webinar to help people in financial distress use breathing and other grounding practices so they have increased capacity to creat a plan for their money. We are struggling with a title. This is what we have so far. We would love guidance.
βBreaking free from f…Read More -
KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman and 2 others
We are meeting again for some brainstorming on Friday. You are welcome to join.
Topic: Brainstorming Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Club Members
Time: Feb 24, 2023 10:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82022971700?pwd=bkJUVHA2UmpFcFUrREprTytZa0tYZz09Meeting ID: 820 2297 1700
Passcode:…Read More -
I think I discovered my 3 step process – maybe? – I have revamped it here…(as the previous seemed more like the focus of each course and not a process within the course). Any feedback?
Stop dreaming about dancing and take ππππ π»πΎπππ ππππ π in synch with a partner in this 8 week Argentine Tango beginners course: In this course you will…Read More
1 Comment-
This is a late response, hopefully, it is still useful.
Overall, I like this a lot.
There is some repetition in the lines that needs some minor tweaking.
1. DISCOVER β Discover that if you can walk you can dance. We take your natural movement to your unique version of tango.β¨2. LEARN β You will learn the basic steps. They are the building block…Read More
KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman and 2 others
Who wants to get together on Friday to dive deeper into ways to share our 3-Step Process or other content you want to publish?
Here is the link:
Topic: Brainstorming with fellow Content Personality Members
Feb 17, 2023 10:30 AM ETJoin Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84531041356?pwd=YzNZaHUrWE9lSlh0cGdBOVJCM0RxQT09Meeting ID: 845 3104…Read More
Here is the image I created for my 3-Step Process. I kept using wooden mannequins to work with the images of my core values.
KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman and 2 others
Who wants to get together tomorrow to dive deeper into ways to share our 3-Step Process?
Here is the link:
Topic: Brainstorming with fellow Content Personality Members
Feb 10, 2023 10:30
Feb 17, 2023 10:30Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84531041356?pwd=YzNZaHUrWE9lSlh0cGdBOVJCM0RxQT09Meeting ID: 845 3104 1356
Passcode: 4029984 Comments -
I published my 3 step process in my latest newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/058fed50ac84/german-news-5386408?e=87357eb8af. Thanks to the suggestions in yesterday’s meeting, I added some images before sending it out.
Thank you to all for the very valuable feedback. Here is my revised post
I believe that we all could use more time to connect with ourselves. To be able to slow down, disconnect from the world, and tap into our heartβs desires.
Introducing my newest service! An hour and a half of energy work infused with hair and scalp treatments i…Read More
So I have been trying to upload my profile picture with no success. ARGGGG! See me below. I will not upload it again and no I know where to go, but it states the pic. is too big. LOLOLO
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New working title: Take a breath! Managing your finances with mindfulness