Hey folks, Cathy Lemire and I are putting together a joint webinar to help people in financial distress use breathing and other grounding practices so they have increased capacity to creat a plan for their money. We are struggling with a title. This is what we have so far. We would love guidance.
‘Breaking free from f…Read More -
Here is the image I created for my 3-Step Process. I kept using wooden mannequins to work with the images of my core values.
I published my 3 step process in my latest newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/058fed50ac84/german-news-5386408?e=87357eb8af. Thanks to the suggestions in yesterday’s meeting, I added some images before sending it out.
Here is a version of my article attempting to incorporate my 3-part process. Might be a little long.
“How’s Your Wabi-Sabi?”
In Japan, wabi-sabi is the philosophy of embracing that which is flawed and imperfect. While this often was applied to craft, we could easily apply it to ourselves, our life, and those around us. Many modern & ancie…Read More
Thanks Amy! With that encouragement, no pokey fence for me, today. Just published to LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/posts/joel-elfman-bodymind-hypnotic_wabisabi-hypnosis-embraceyourflaws-activity-7028480810450067456-snpk? LOL!!!
Great mastermind group today! Many thanks to Kerstin, Ann & Daniela
In a 3-step process, we go from A -> B,
A: You have beliefs or habits that are blocking you from reaching your future goals
B: begin to create positive changes & solutions so you live to your full potential1 – Connect to your mind, body, energy & spirit.
2 – Create new…Read More - Load More Posts
Brenda Uekert
Annette Presley
New working title: Take a breath! Managing your finances with mindfulness