KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman and 2 others
We are meeting again for some brainstorming on Friday. You are welcome to join.
Topic: Brainstorming Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Club Members
Time: Feb 24, 2023 10:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82022971700?pwd=bkJUVHA2UmpFcFUrREprTytZa0tYZz09Meeting ID: 820 2297 1700
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I think I discovered my 3 step process – maybe? – I have revamped it here…(as the previous seemed more like the focus of each course and not a process within the course). Any feedback?
Stop dreaming about dancing and take ππππ π»πΎπππ ππππ π in synch with a partner in this 8 week Argentine Tango beginners course: In this course you will…Read More
1 Comment -
KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman and 2 others
Who wants to get together on Friday to dive deeper into ways to share our 3-Step Process or other content you want to publish?
Here is the link:
Topic: Brainstorming with fellow Content Personality Members
Feb 17, 2023 10:30 AM ETJoin Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84531041356?pwd=YzNZaHUrWE9lSlh0cGdBOVJCM0RxQT09Meeting ID: 845 3104…Read More
Here is the image I created for my 3-Step Process. I kept using wooden mannequins to work with the images of my core values.
KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman and 2 others
Who wants to get together tomorrow to dive deeper into ways to share our 3-Step Process?
Here is the link:
Topic: Brainstorming with fellow Content Personality Members
Feb 10, 2023 10:30
Feb 17, 2023 10:30Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84531041356?pwd=YzNZaHUrWE9lSlh0cGdBOVJCM0RxQT09Meeting ID: 845 3104 1356
Passcode: 4029984 Comments - Load More Posts
Jackie Barker
Emily Gowen, Accredited Financial Coach
Stephanie Steyer
This is a late response, hopefully, it is still useful.
Overall, I like this a lot.
There is some repetition in the lines that needs some minor tweaking.
1. DISCOVER β Discover that if you can walk you can dance. We take your natural movement to your unique version of tango.β¨2. LEARN β You will learn the basic steps. They are the building block…Read More