Here is the image I created for my 3-Step Process. I kept using wooden mannequins to work with the images of my core values.
KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman and 2 others
Who wants to get together tomorrow to dive deeper into ways to share our 3-Step Process?
Here is the link:
Topic: Brainstorming with fellow Content Personality Members
Feb 10, 2023 10:30
Feb 17, 2023 10:30Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84531041356?pwd=YzNZaHUrWE9lSlh0cGdBOVJCM0RxQT09Meeting ID: 845 3104 1356
Passcode: 4029984 Comments -
I published my 3 step process in my latest newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/058fed50ac84/german-news-5386408?e=87357eb8af. Thanks to the suggestions in yesterday’s meeting, I added some images before sending it out.
Draft!! 8 week introduction to Argentine Tango
Take your first steps to go from spectator to dancer. In this 8 week course
1. We create a solid foundation upon which to build your social Argentine Tango.
2. We learn how to use the most natural and comfortable body position for dancing.
3. We connect with our partner, the music, and the…Read More-
Overall this is okay, and I like what we did on Friday more.
That being said – this feels a little cut & dry. I would consider adding a little more flavor.
Take your first steps from toe-tapping observer to swaying your hips in sync w/ your parter In this 8 week course
1. We help you create a solid foundation upon which to build your social…Read More
love this @amymshannonhernandez-com – thank you
Could anyone please send me the chat from today? I had issues with Zoom again.
My email is info@KerstinPeters.ca.
1 Comment-
me, too! I totally mucked up & forgot. joel@bodymindhypnotic.com
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