KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman and DonnaDube
Hi everyone! Do you want to get together on Friday to finish our task for next Wednesday? Last month, I met with Joel and Susan, and it was a fantastic collaboration. Here is the link for the Friday Zoom meeting:
Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Members
Time: Dec 9, 2022 10:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom…Read More
Hello Susan, if we decide to have a second meeting, I will let you know. Would you be available Monday afternoon?
Who has put their content out into the World so we can review it all tomorrow and have a brainstorming session on next leveling your content??
Again was hoping to have Outcome / Results messaging for my women’s group BUT I decided to practice with Tango and wrote this. Any feedback ? and not sure where I will use it yet…(and is it “bad” etiquette to “accuse” other teachers?? is there a more polite way to say what i’m saying? )
Here is the key reason you’re still not getting the dances…Read More
You may be talking to a specific audience so these questions might not be relevant.
What does social dance-ability/navigating a social dance floor mean?
What would be an example of a bad habit? I’m just asking for clarity.
By dance reputation do you mean social dance reputation?-
thanks @joel for your questions.
so many teachers teach ‘tango’ as choreographed patterns and steps which is not useful for the social dance floor – so they /students don’t actually learn to dance – to lead or to follow.
a bad habit in tango? there are so many – there are bad lead habits bad follow habits and then bad social dance floor etiquette…Read More-
Thanks @Daniela. Great answers, they make things a lot clearer for me. Here is another version based on your responses. I hope this helps.:
Here is the key reason you’re still not getting the dances you want at social events – it’s not your focus, and it’s not your inability to learn something new…. it’s because your attention has been on mak…Read More
Thanks @Joel for this super word sleuthing/word smithing – rewrite… I will massage it some more and then decide where to use it!!! 🙂
KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman and TinaJones
Who is available and interested in meeting this Friday, November 11, either at 10:30 AM or 11 AM ET to get support with their draft for this month’s message? I will set up a Zoom meeting.
Kerstin Peters is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Please join us. We will work on the November message.
Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Members
Time: Nov 11, 2022 11:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87071997774?pwd=Uk51WXF5bFBDL1YrVGttNTVHMXhZZz09Meeting ID: 870 7199…Read More
Who has used their 9 Word Emails? Come to class on Wed with something sent/posted so we can talk about the results and next steps. 🙂
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Jackie Barker
Emily Gowen, Accredited Financial Coach
Stephanie Steyer
so sorry Kerstin, I am traveling, I can met Saturday, MOnday or Tuesday depending on the time