Value Messaging Post: CTA is to get my audience (entrepreneurs and virtual assistants) onto my waitlist so I have a warm list of leads when the course goes live.
How I saved $3k a year by automating my workflows.
I use Slack to communicate with my team and my clients. Between clients, mastermind groups, and coaching groups, I was in close to 12 different Slack workspaces 🤯.
When you’re averaging 20 meetings a week, that’s A LOT of Slack updating. I tracked the time I spent doing this for a week, and guess what? I was spending 45 hours of my own time every year fussing with my Slack status! It was costing me over $3k a year!
I could have spent that time with a client, worked on my marketing, or created more templates for my SOP shop; the list goes on of what I could have been doing. This is what I did to get that time (and money) back.
👉🏼I built an automated workflow and connected my programs together. Zapier is a fabulous platform to act as a bridge between your programs.
👉🏼I tested and retested that workflow to see if I could break it.What would you do with an extra $3k a year?
With my upcoming course, Zap Your Way to Freedom, you will learn how to automate tasks, streamline workflows, and save valuable time, transforming the way you work. When you join the exclusive waitlist, you’ll be the first to know when the course is live AND get a discount on your enrollment. [LINK]
@carriewulfdenprofessionalsolutions-com – I saw this pop up on my FB feed last night before I drifted into dreamland. I noticed that you put the link IN the post, which actually flags FB to NOT show it to people. I recommend you repost with the link in the comment. I find Claire’s comment would also add more value to the post. Can you talk about the top three things you discovered in testing (remember not to overwhelm with tech, but maybe a better approach would be to talk about the top three things you know it must do to help your clients? I love the title of your program/course.

Sandra Halling

Hi Carrie, it sounds really good, even clearer than when you read it last Wednesday (did you rework the first part ? feels like it anyway !).
One thing I feel is missing: when you tested the workflow to see if it could break : what is the use of that ? and Could you break it ? If it is to confirm that Zapier is a strong app, you may want to add this in.
Your CTA is great, I can see the value in your course clearly. But then why the waitlist ? do you not want to disclose the starting date ?