• ok – so I finally went for it and created an Instagram post for nitty gritty – and the video seems long – good lesson – how to be catchy to the point and shorter!
    Let’s see what engagement is like… still not sure I actually captured the essence of the assignment but let’s see…
    thanks for all and any…Read More

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    • I love the way you explained that it’s the connection between the partners is more important than memorizing the steps. When the connection is there and you are listening to their movements, the steps will come. Fabulous!

    • Will you re-post this video now that you have practiced and can you add a little more detail of the feeling/emotion that creates that connection between partners?

  • Hi All! Looking for feedback on my recent post. I teach mindfulness to school-age kids and stress reduction to teachers. Often, people put my work in the category of yoga, so I took this nitty-gritty detail and wrote a post on it today for LinkedIn. Any feedback will be helpful. Thanks!

    Why Mindfulness is yoga and how it’s…Read More

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    1 Comment
    • Love this! So glad you dove into this since this was the feedback you had been given about “doing yoga already.” Also – I would like you to use the word teach instead of present. Do you know why?



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Sandra Halling
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