• Hi all! I’m gearing up for a Workshop in January on Mindful Eating so next couple of emails are going to be around that. Please have a look below and let me know if the story ties in to the invitation to the workshop!
    @circle270mediagmail-com @hellokimromain-com @kathymthoodphotography-com @wdnyc2014gmail-com @annettepresleyhotmail-com

    Subject:…Read More

  • Hello everyone! I liked the open session yesterday where we got to share feedback. So here’s me tagging all those who said yes to having a pod or supporting each other. @circle270mediagmail-com @hellokimromain-com @kathymthoodphotography-com @wdnyc2014gmail-com

    What does support look like for you? Personally, I would love having a time once a…Read More

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    • I think your outline sounds like what I had in mind. I’m flexible how it works but do think it makes sense to do it right after class when its fresh – It might be enough to do a meet up 2x a month and the rest via email (google docs)

      • Sounds good! I’d also be up for one or 2 meet ups a month. And with @kathymthoodphotography-com and @hellokimromain-com would a Friday work at 4pm EAT? If time zones don’t work perhaps we share on specific days our work and provide feedback?

        • 4pm EAT is 8am EST, which would work great on Friday mornings. I know that @wdnyc2014gmail-com was also interested in being a part of this. I’m wondering what it might look like if the 5 of us just committed to giving it a go? Do we want to post here, tag each other and then we can use that time on Fridays as a space to workshop?

          • Yup that would be great! Happy to start an hour later as well if you want. Lets give it a go on Friday next week? I’ll send out a calendar invite with Zoom link

        • That’ 5 AM for me….. A little to early.

        • And it’s 6AM for me on MST, also too early as that’s when I get up and the first hour is spent feeding and medicating animals.

    • Hi Jaini- I would love to be in a peer review pod. For me a review of my draft would be best on Friday or Monday after our first meeting of the month. That gives me Wednesday class and after to draft it. A day to let it sit then review and refine so that it is more polished to look at on the next Wednesday class. I would really like to have at…Read More

    • I would be interested in this as well. I couldn’t attend the session live due to having a root canal extracted, and just went through the replay Sunday evening. Kenya is actually 10 hours ahead of my time zone (MST). But having a dedicated time or at least a group to submit drafts to would go along way for me.

      • Yes I think knowing who we can tag here would help in having a committed peer group to work with

About Me

Brett Johnson

Podcast Consultant

My clients focus on the 'WHY' they are podcasting, not on the 'HOW' to podcast.

As a 35-year radio veteran turned podcast consultant, I leverage my years of content creation, marketing skills, and sales to provide customized consulting solutions. I work with entrepreneurs, businesses, brands, and non-profits to plan, launch, produce, and implement podcasts into their marketing strategies.

This includes:
*developing and implementing strategic internal (private) and external (public) audio content
*targeting the right audience for your content
*delivering your content through multi-channel marketing and content repurposing
*professional recording and publishing of your audio content

All business strategy is a story. And podcasts are now a staple in marketing strategies.

Your business needs to craft and tell compelling stories to grow revenue and increase impact. People buy stories much more than anything else. That’s what businesses are about. Own your story, engage and interact with your customers and clients, and grow your brand with your own podcast!

Business branding, business message control, and audience targeting are key elements of podcasting. Podcasting is a powerful medium when produced correctly and strategically.
