Did you all see @diana-lidstonegmail-com‘s post? She expanded a little on our theme for the month of Industry BS. Congrats for stoping the scroll!
Thanks @jenniferjenniferjaneyoung-com — And yes it’s getting engagement; making $$$; and generating leads! Cheers
Thanks @amymshannonhernandez-com for the shout out! YUP it’s working. It all started with a talk I’m doing Nov 4 – Stop Wasting Money on Marketing and has now turned into a whole sequence leading ultimately to a bootcamp then an evergreen course!!
Here’s the sign up page for Ride the Waves with Anthea – https://dreamteamconsulting.ca/ridethewaves. I’m doing it as a give back to the entrepreneurial community – occasionally and perhaps in the future I will have events/offers, but my main intent right now is to help business owners to succeed by sharing my insights and wisdom from my own…Read More
Your landing page looks great. Is there a way that you could align your boxes towards the bottom with the blue checkmarks that talk about the benefits of your list? It could just be a “me” thing, but the out-of-alignment looks a bit wonky on my screen. I did sign up but have not received any kind of confirmation I’m on your list type of email.
Hay @carriewulfdenprofessionalsolutions-com thanks – it’s been revised now. And, my VA confirmed you were added to my list. Did my email go to your spam folder perhaps?
@antheadreamteamconsulting-ca – Hi! In addition to what Carrie said about putting all 4 boxes on the bottom row, I think you moving the first two sections to the top (Consider my invitation and when you sign up) and then moving the Who you are section at the top to the third placement. Remember, this is about them first.
Thanks @clientsmshannonhernandez-com. Updates done!
Draft of my first email. I am wondering if I should include photos of an aggressive dog, a cat and a horse, and I would like to find a great closing or ending. Feedback appreciated!…Read More
I like the parallels you draw from kids acting out and our pets acting out. I can feel you passion for help those pet parents. As for your questions about pictures, do you have any before and after pictures? Or a picture of a “helped” pet? I might even include a before and after story of a pet and parent that you helped. That might actually work…Read More
Hi there – thought I would offer some insights that my sister (a 35+ year veterinarian) used to say about pets & kids….. If the kids walked thru the door and were ill mannered i.e. running all over the place, touching everything — then the pets would act similarly! And of course, vice versa was true — if the kids came into the clinic and were…Read More
How my life experience uniquely positions me
Send To: Full List
Subject Line: How Autism Taught Me to Serve You Better (85% on Monster Insights)
Preview Text: Lessons learned from my autism parenting journeyNormal is a setting on my dishwasher; Autism is not.
My daughter was 2 years old when we got the diagnosis of Autism. At that…Read More
Your passion and deterination to figure out how to help your daughter definitely translates into your passion for helping your clients, and your interest in getting to know them and their needs so you can best support them too. I loved these lines: I understand your frustration if your programs are all over the…Read More
Updated my Mission, Vision & Purpose (using the module in CPC). Would love your feedback! Thank you!
PURPOSE: Universal truth: WHY am I in business?
**Women empowered to live fully, true to themselves, create potent impact in their families, communities, business and the world.
VISION: the HOW, public facing (on Home Page, in contracts,…Read More
Hey Ann – would love to connect as I’m also on a mission to eradicate burn out – but mine is with small business owners, especially women! Hope to see you on a call – I’ve just joined the Club!
@diana-lidstonegmail-com Love to connect with you!! And Welcome to the Club!!
@amymshannonhernandez-com I’ll chat with you about this in our call today!! Thanks for the question.
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Ann Becks


Charlotte Allen

Stephanie Zoernack

Stephanie Steyer
Halleluja to all the Industry BS. Love the post @diana-lidstonegmail-com and I see it’s getting a ton of engagement!