• I’m not going to be able to make the call on Wednesday because I’ll be on a plane to warm weather – woohoo!

    I wanted to share how I used my commitment statement in my marketing this week.

    I’m in the middle of a launch for my program so I created a post and put it on IG and FB. I also sent an email with similar wording but added a little…Read More

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  • Here are my brand statements:

    My Commitments

    To my clients:

    I am committed to helping learners to speak German confidently by focusing on conversations and visualization.

    I am committed to showing German learners that visualizing new material is not for kids but will improve memorization, is fun and will increase success.

    I am…Read More

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    • I got thrown off by the term “learners.” It suggests that they are already learning. Are you working with those who haven’t yet started learning the German language? I don’t easily pick up languages and I’ve not had great experiences with language teachers. I would want to know that you teach in a fun and supportive manner. That you’ll make it…Read More

    • I really like the 3rd statement to clients – it feels clear what you do and it feels light.
      The 4th client statement – has supportive and support and feels less clear. Maybe something like… “…supportive learning community that upholds values of … ” or “…supportive learning community by offering …. ”
      I like the industry statement and of…Read More

    • Here’s another possibility: I am committed to helping my clients speak German faster and with more confidence by incorporating fun visualization exercises and focusing on conversations.

      Your 2nd statement would need the word ‘just’ before the part about kids otherwise it sounds like kids can’t learn the way you teach.

  • Great session today! Next week, be ready to share where you published your brand commitment, and let’s dive into some of the other ways you can use this. Great brainstorming today ❤️

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  • Don’t forget to post your Brand Commitment Statements here today so Shannon can review them tomorrow ❤️

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  • Hi everyone! Do you want to get together on Friday to finish our task for next Wednesday? Last month, I met with Joel and Susan, and it was a fantastic collaboration. Here is the link for the Friday Zoom meeting:

    Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Members
    Time: Dec 9, 2022 10:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom…Read More

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