• Here’s the link to my coaching page: https://www.mylestogo.net/coaching
    Thanks for all the help and feedback today – much appreciated!

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    • Nichole, this is really good. Most of the comments are about color or fonts.:
      1- Gold on white is sometimes hard to read, especially w/ a cursive script. With this particular font, both the opening “N”, and later the opening “I” in a later testimonial almost blend a bit w/ the italics designating it as a testimonial.

      2- “Until I discovere…Read More

  • As requested, the URL for my sales page is: http://www.sarafins.com/bookkeeping

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  • I had mentioned in one of the sessions that I was featured in a new LEVANTA online magazine. I am excited to share the link with you: https://issuu.com/design.your.plate.

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  • Here is my first draft for the landing page for my three-month beginners course, Learn German Through Art:

    Wouldn’t it be great if you could communicate in everyday German?

    Learn German Through Art – A German Course Focusing on Everyday Conversations to get you talking with German speakers quickly and confidently

    In this interactive c…Read More

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    • I like this overall Kerstin, short and to the point. I wonder if you could include something that confirms I do not need to be an “artist” to enjoy this course, and also something to encourage me if I know absolutely “no German” now. Just to clarify who this program is for in a bit more detail.

      • Great questions, Donna!

      • Hello Donna, thanks for the suggestion. While I mention it when I talk about my courses, I should add: Are you worried about your artistic skills? If you can draw stick men, you can participate. I don’t teach you how to draw but how to use visual images that help you to remember new vocabulary.

    • I like this a lot. It does feel a little cut & dry. May get a little granular. How does the class have fun. Is there a particular fun exercise that you do, would it be okay to mention something about it. I’m wondering if any of your students have some funny stories about a situation where their conversational skill came in handy. Getting…Read More

      • Hello Joel, I appreciate your feedback. With every month of Content Personality Club, I update my website. Karen Joy Fritz had also some great ideas. My website was just relaunched. We are still ironing out issues. I should be able to do my own updates by next week. Therefore, I have not added the September update. Please check it out at…Read More

        • Happy to help. Page looks good. The quote on the left is biig, bold, and negative. Can you add more so there is a transformation state at the end “…and now, I easily talk to…”

  • Hey there! Slight delay in the replay. Please go here to view it from Wed’s meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/crFMhOydLdoe5adiLdrlDlDXL63uRj9xGrP8DMJYFWDdW0TXSqU3JyBI3CRhHI1x.kK1nz_SgV67UMMs4

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