• Do you need a little extra support with your content creation? Come hang out with fellow Content Personality Club students to talk through anything that keeps you from putting your messages out. This session on the fourth Wednesday of the month is not hosted by Shannon or Amy.
    Here is the link to my personal zoom sessions for you:

    Topic: 4 Th…Read More

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  • Reworking my vision statement from May:

    I believe the combination of language and art instruction for German learners in a supportive community facilitates studying, enriches their lives and promotes understanding.

    I would love some feedback. I teach German by using simple art projects to visualize new content to help memorization and…Read More

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  • Hi lovelies!
    I am working on my vision statement. I am working off of my Universal Truth: Embracing your emotional relationship with food heals your mind, body and soul.

    The Mission:
    We believe creating awareness around your (a, the?) relationship with food can heal the world.

    I am struggling with ” your, a, the” also is “the world” too broad?

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    • I would keep it ‘your’. What you do is very personal.
      How does our relationship with food help heal the world? It is too broad the way it is written now. Why is this important?

    • I agree with Amy, if your vision is around the “your” your mission should be too. (“Embracing your…” and creating awareness around you…”) It’s more personal. I also don’t think world here is too broad. If one person at a time can be healed / have awarenesss around food then essentially you’re healing the world, just one person at a time 🙂

    • I would leave the “your” but I am not clear how the personal awareness about food is healing the world.

  • Direct Offer Email:

    Guten Tag, NAME,

    Do you want to become an engaged participant in German conversations? 

    I know how intimidating it is to learn and speak a new language from my own experiences. I did not dare to talk to people when I immigrated to Canada. I was so afraid everyone would think I was stupid because I could not express…Read More

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  • Would love any and all feedback on my direct offer post that would go into an email:

    Hi ***,

    Did you know that data driven businesses are 23 times more likely to acquire new customers and 19 times more likely to be profitable? Those are some staggering statistics folks, whether you love numbers or hate them. The evidence is clear that looking at…Read More

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