• @susanwalletwisecoaching-com – share here 🙂

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    • Thanks! I mixed the “before vs after” program exercise, with the Bold Qualifiers…

      The people who get the best results:
      Before (bold qualifiers)
      Over 70k annual household income, but maybe aside from some 401k funds, not really building wealth
      Find budgeting frustrating, useless, or both.
      Make monthly debt payments besides a mortgage.
      Give no…Read More

  • Happy Monday! Who has shared their BOLD Qualifiers with their mailing list or on social?

  • Hello all – I have a question post the CREATE session today and Bold Qualifiers… I should preface this with stating that I work in the area of post-traumatic growth; how to create ‘thrivorship’ and not just ‘survivorship’ after a big setback. So, naturally, some of the people who find me are in ‘survival mode’ and they are simply not ready for…Read More

    • Hi Nichole, I’m not sure what the best answer is here.
      2 thoughts come to mind.
      1- It is an issue that may come up again, and if she goes negative on you in Social media, you can respond reasonably, and it could help generate positive publicity for you, and helps you restate your qualifiers. Saying, she wasn’t in the right space for my program,…Read More

      • Thank you, Joel. I hadn’t thought about the fact that a social media response could be helpful for me. That’s good. I also think I will pocket the follow up questions for slow disengagement for the next time. This particular individual has already had significant contact with me/my free advice so I need to cut it off and use this structure and…Read More

    • I’m not so good with “gentle” or subtle. I’d basically say something like “You matter. And your mental health matters. And I’m not the right next step for you. You deserve qualified (therapist) support. I hope you find the resources you need (or refer a therapist if you know one) so that we can work together in the future.” Then just copy/paste…Read More

      • This was really helpful Stephanie – thank you. I’ve used the same/similar message but I haven’t been copy and pasting and that might drive the point home.

  • BOLD Qualifier Content Notes:
    Who is even qualified to work with you? It’s time to get BOLD so you call in your perfect-fit clients.
    (This is an important part of Direct Offer Content [including your sales/landing pages])

    Step 1: What is your direct offer? We want you to be selling NOW!
    **Note – “selling” here can mean different thing…Read More

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  • See you all at Noon ET to kick off our Bold Qualifiers. Zoom details are either in the calendar or the Course listing

    Did you download the Playbook for this month under the Starter Kit?

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