• Profile picture of Karen Joy Fritz

    Karen Joy Fritz

    2 years, 5 months ago

    Here’s my copy for the TinyBiz Blueprint pilot course:
    (Draft up at

    Architect Your Custom TinyBiz Blueprint Pilot


    Serious About Simplifying?
    Architect Your 1 Page Blueprint for Your Simplest Possible Business
    support your lifestyle while you do your good in the world

    [Count Me In] button jumps down to buy button

    Whether your decision to simplify comes from
    a life transition such as semi-retirement, health challenge, or empty nesting,
    or you’re burned out with what you’ve been doing,
    going lean is a journey itself.

    If you’re a profitable service-based business owner who wants to simplify or downshift the business so you have more time, attention, and freedom for things that matter most in your life… This program exists to make that journey easier – and maybe even fun!

    You’ll walk out with confidence that this simpler business CAN
    fulfill your financial AND freedom requirements,
    and a phased implementation plan to keep you sane!

    You already know you want more time and energy for things outside your business. I’m not here to convince anyone of anything.

    But you also know downshifting is totally counter-cultural. In a sea of 7-figure sameness, the growth gurus don’t get where we’re coming from. The pressure is there to always be growing – show up more, create more offer levels, build a bigger team to scale, make more money, more impact…

    I found no one to turn to on the simplification journey. I’m sure you wish you could skip finding your way through bumps and bruises, trial and error to find your sweet spot. It can take a lot of adjusting along the way to find your rhythm. Want to see examples of someone walking the path -working examples, success stories? Gotcha!

    We know downshifting can come with challenges like…

    Will the income be enough?
    What do I keep and what do I let go?
    Will people think I’m failing? Lazy? Will they still want to buy from me?
    What do I do first? A lot of this is outside my wheelhouse.
    How do I make the transition while keeping current balls rolling (and income flowing)??
    How do I even think this through, and how do I plan the steps to get there?

    Can this even work for my situation

    I get it! Just thinking about this can make it hard to breathe!


    Not making a change means you’re gonna suffocate.

    That’s why this 4 week BYOB (Build Your Own Blueprint)
    guided experience is for you.

    Build Your Own Blueprint

    I know you’re busy. (That’s the whole crux of the issue, isn’t it?) So I’ve intentionally ditched the fluff. We’re about getting to the point in bite size, easy to digest, actionable steps with a win each time. I want you on your shortest possible path to success ASAP!

    Here’s the deets
    4 Live online interactive group training sessions (60-90 minutes with some in-session work time) with recordings
    October 3, 10, 17, 24; 11am mountain
    Optional live coworking time in week 1 and week 3
    Specific development guidebook for your process
    Email and community support
    Your personal 30 minute accountability 1-1 after session 1 to laser focus on your specific plan
    Your personal 60 minute review 1-on-1 after session 4 to laser focus on your specific path
    Bonus templates, checklists, tech task/recipe library
    Ongoing support & community, ask questions, share with others, maintain sanity
    This pilot is specifically for experienced business owners and we will not be addressing startup concerns or education level.

    You’ll leave this program with

    1-Page Blueprint for how your pieces fit together: A visual diagram of your TinyBiz model and flow
    1-Page Remodeling Plan: See your path in a migration/transition/phasing plan with clear numbered steps and milestones to get it remodeled. order of downshift – expenses and revenue balancing.
    1-Page Self-Pledge to actually make the lifestyle shifts you’re promising yourself with the time you gain!

    Along the way, this course can help you

    Know your options and make the right decisions for you in a timely manner
    (it’s not an overnight decision)
    So you have peace of mind without lying awake at night rehashing
    Simplify your delivery, marketing, and systems to match your new lifestyle and your natural gifts
    So you actually have more enjoyment and efficiency in the business you migrate to
    Skip over expensive trial and error
    So you can put the time and money toward those things you actually want more of in your life
    Get clarity on exactly where you’re headed and how the pieces will fit together
    So you’re confident it can work and clear when you’re communicating to your stakeholders
    Anticipate and soothe the inner critic. Any transition in life involves emotions
    So your energy is available for forward movement
    Document your own financial plan guidelines:
    So you have ongoing clarity where to keep income or learn to live on less

    Total transparency: I’m inviting you to the co-creation of the pilot program. I’m going to be extra-interested in where you feel more (or less) is needed! In exchange for a better than 50% discount, you may end up seeing some of the details and behind-the-scenes stories, and I’ll most certainly ask for your feedback at the completion!

    $197 (regular $500)
    Includes the 2 1-1 coaching sessions, workbook, one-page templates, recordings, and community
    Deadline: October 1 or when I have 12 people enrolled (because I’m not going to overload myself with 1-1 sessions!)

    [PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online!]

    How can you know you’ll get your ROI?

    Any time you’re struggling during the program, just email for support. (It’s super-valuable information for me!)
    Even if your analysis comes back that you’re not ready for this move, you’ll have the clarity and peace of knowing where you stand and how to get to your starting point.

    About Karen Joy Fritz
    As Founder of the TinyBiz Village, Karen Joy Fritz is your go-to guide in both the inner and outer adventures of simplifying your business.

    With degrees in Neuropsych and Computers and multiple coaching certifications, Karen has enjoyed successful 7-figure entrepreneurial ventures as well as motherhood, meditation, and motorcycling. She has traveled the world to experience sacred sites as well as co-founded the Colorado chapter of Conscious Capitalism.

    WHAT she does as the Purpose-tivity Mentor for creative entrepreneurs who want to get important shit done is find the best tech and practices for your unique cognitive style. She knows that aligning strategy and system to YOU makes success sustainable – both financially and energetically!

    And HOW she does that is through her TinyBiz(TM) model which is the movement for those of us in a stage of life where we value lifestyle freedom over building an empire. Parent, caregiver, artist, athlete or digital nomad – There’s an art to downshift without going under. The delightful TinyBiz Village is a safe haven to do work that’s purposeful and profitable while having a business that knows its place in our life.

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    • I feel like this might be too long and could be more concise. I don’t think you need to use the word pilot because it makes it sound like you are creating a blueprint for a pilot program not necessarily a business.

      I am not fond of the word architect. It’s not relatable and architecting something doesn’t sound simple or easy. I think design, create or build would work better.

      You use different terms like Tiny Biz Blueprint, Your Simplest Possible Business, going lean (which sounds like a diet), build your own blueprint. I would stick to one thing.

      The title Serious About Simplifying? doesn’t really match what your program is doing. When I think of simplifying, I think establish processes that are on auto pilot so I don’t have things to do all the time. What you are really helping people do is downsize their business so they can enjoy more free time (at least that is what I came away with).

      This sentence doesn’t read well. “You’ll walk out with confidence that this simpler business CAN
      fulfill your financial AND freedom requirements, and a phased implementation plan to keep you sane!” After requirements, I’d say plus you’ll have a phased implementation plan to keep you sane.

      Maybe the title could be something like Are you experiencing a life transition such as semi-retirement, health challenge, empty nest, or are you just burned out with what you’ve been doing? Or Downsize your business while maintaining the income you need to enjoy your life and turn your dreams into reality.

    • I agree with Annette. I would replace the word architect with create or design because you want your plan to be flexible and unique and not strict and without any tolerances. I would use the word pilot in a subtitle.
      Design Your Custom TinyBiz Blueprint – a four-week pilot program to downshift your business to have more time, attention, and freedom for the things that matter most in your life

      The landing page is also quite long. I would concentrate less on the obstacles and more on the solutions that your program offers.

    • Great advice from Annette and Kerstin. You do not need to say it is pilot program. It is a four-week program.



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