• Profile picture of Jaini Shah

    Jaini Shah posted a new activity comment

    Sounds good! I’d also be up for one or 2 meet ups a month. And with @kathymthoodphotography-com and @hellokimromain-com would a Friday work at 4pm EAT? If time zones don’t work perhaps we share on specific days our work and provide feedback?

    • 4pm EAT is 8am EST, which would work great on Friday mornings. I know that @wdnyc2014gmail-com was also interested in being a part of this. I’m wondering what it might look like if the 5 of us just committed to giving it a go? Do we want to post here, tag each other and then we can use that time on Fridays as a space to workshop?

      • Yup that would be great! Happy to start an hour later as well if you want. Lets give it a go on Friday next week? I’ll send out a calendar invite with Zoom link

    • That’ 5 AM for me….. A little to early.

    • And it’s 6AM for me on MST, also too early as that’s when I get up and the first hour is spent feeding and medicating animals.

  • Hello everyone! I liked the open session yesterday where we got to share feedback. So here’s me tagging all those who said yes to having a pod or supporting each other. @circle270mediagmail-com @hellokimromain-com @kathymthoodphotography-com @wdnyc2014gmail-com

    What does support look like for you? Personally, I would love having a time once a…Read More

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    • I think your outline sounds like what I had in mind. I’m flexible how it works but do think it makes sense to do it right after class when its fresh – It might be enough to do a meet up 2x a month and the rest via email (google docs)

    • Hi Jaini- I would love to be in a peer review pod. For me a review of my draft would be best on Friday or Monday after our first meeting of the month. That gives me Wednesday class and after to draft it. A day to let it sit then review and refine so that it is more polished to look at on the next Wednesday class. I would really like to have at…Read More

    • I would be interested in this as well. I couldn’t attend the session live due to having a root canal extracted, and just went through the replay Sunday evening. Kenya is actually 10 hours ahead of my time zone (MST). But having a dedicated time or at least a group to submit drafts to would go along way for me.

  • Profile picture of Jaini Shah

    Jaini Shah posted a new activity comment

    Thanks @kathymthoodphotography-com for the comment! Let me re-look at how the email reads and whether I can tie the first part to the last part. This might mean I get 2 emails coming from this now 🙂

  • Profile picture of Shannon

    Shannon posted a new activity comment

    @annettepresleyhotmail-com great job on the input around making the opening lines – which I LOVE – match the offer, which is the retreat. @kathymthoodphotography-com there seems to be a diconnect here. Maybe a tie in to how a retreat can help you expand your sails? reset after internal storms?
