After only 3 lessons at the Baton Rouge Conservatory, students typically see these results:
1 – More confidence trying new things (even beyond music)
2 – More ease in hearing and echoing different tunes and rhythms
3 – Increased physical comfort while singing or playing 🫶If you are currently experiencing any of these symptoms:
1 -…Read More -
As a violin teacher and chamber music coach, I had been working at five locations for two or three years and it was starting to take a toll. Between the long drives, the disparate calendars, and the large number of students, I didn’t feel able to give my students the attention they deserve. I was frequently tired and haggard, unable to remember w…Read More
This is obviously not the whole thing, and it’s already long. Maybe publish as a serial? The thought of a series of videos about this topic makes my stomach churn. Maybe I’ll be ready for it after I post the other videos that have been queuing up for CPC!
This is good, Keep going. We can trim it once you have it all down on paper. Sometimes dumping it all out of your beautiful brain and getting all the steps down will help. We can also make sure you have it worked out so your stomach doesn’t churn. I would love for you to share with us what is the cause for the churn. It is good to talk…Read More
Thank you The churn is partly due to the backlog and partly due to me not having enough distance from this story to feel ready to tell it on camera.
It’s all I can do to keep up with the preparations for these videos–I’m having a hard time actually getting around to making them. Things should be better starting this weekend–summer schedule is…Read More
(I also have a question re intrinsic motivation or extrinsic motivation – I feel that Shannon’s story – she knew she had to make a change from her insides. I feel like I had some emotions pre-C happening and Covid was the tip of the iceberg for me deciding to leave. I’m not sure I’ve “intrinsically” returned to teaching. – Does this make…Read More
Is teaching Tango something you love to do, or is it a job? is there something else that you want to do that will bring more joy? Does it truly matter whether you got there through internal or external circumstances? Maybe the internal signals were blocked by everything that was going on. Maybe other stuff didn’t work out because your heart wasn’t…Read More
oh such good good questions our lovely insightful wordsmithsman! i am so transparent!!!! I think I’m wondering all these things at the moment…. thank you thank you thank you as always…
Joel has total nailed what I was thinking. The emotions that you were feeling are more stronger than telling people you taught swim lessons. Here is a small tweak to help guide you as you take this to the next level. I am not sure if this is TRUE though. So, don’t use it if not. But as a guide of the next level.
I went to my parents’ home in A…Read More
I see what you mean with intrinsic and extrasinc. and I am nor sure it matters for that purpose. I d love to see a bit more of your background : what were you doing before, why did you have enough ? What is tango for you ?
Reading your story also makes me say that there is something, at some point, even tiny, that shows us the way (or actually,…Read More-
thank you @catpeltiergmail-com – yes – I believe this is true too… I love the questions – I think there’s a story much earlier than pandemic that might be more interesting too.. thank you again…
When COVID hit, many of my violin students could no longer afford lessons, so I took on a few piano students. As the economy adjusted to the pandemic, more and more students came to me—for both piano and violin.
At that time I was teaching at five locations. Between the long drives and the large number of students, I didn’t feel able to give my…Read More
I feel like your point of no return is that moment when you decided that you couldn’t teach at 5 locations anymore.. how long did you do that for before you made that decision??? Did you decide on your own to simplify to 2 locations 1 schedule? what does that entail? Did you already know your like-minded instructor who you hired to help? and you…Read More
I like this a lot. Does “at this time…” describe pre-Covid or during Covid?
You might consider turning up the emotion a bit.
– Between the long drives & the large number of students, I was struggling & frustrated, I didn’t feel I was able to give my students the attention they deserve. After a lot of thought and a hell of a lot of…Read More
CPC Mastermind – Fri, May 12th, 10:30am-12pm
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Jackie Barker
Susanlazar hart
Christine Laria
@ruthviolincox-net love this! I do think that if you said this in line one in first set it would help frame “beyond music”: More confidence trying out new skills and activities (even beyond music). thoughts?