When your business has evolved and now it is time for your website to evolve too, here are my three Quick Expert Tips for you to consider!
1. What do you want your website to do for you?
What’s the main thing you want your website to accomplish for you? Do you want to attract new customers, sell your awesome products or services, or maybe…Read More-
I’ve got all three of my tips scheduled on Linkedin for this week! I’m also going to set up an email newsletter and schedule them on FB (next week) as well.
For the social media posts, I took a hint from the CPC vault and created some post-it note images instead of creating something in canva or photoshop. I am trying to stretch my drawing…Read More
Could someone double-check, I think the video posted for CPC is not from Wed
s 3/1 CPC. Either that or I may be experiencing strange shifts in my reality. -
Where do we find the written instructions for the month? I’m not seeing it anywhere. Thanks!
When deciding which musical instrument to start lessons on (counting voice as an instrument!), we need to consider these three questions:
1. Do you like the sound?
2. Do you like how it feels when you play?
3. How soon do you want to be able to make music?
(Wrapped up in that last question is these: How hard are you willing to work? Do you…Read More-
Overall I like this a lot. I’m a little confused which statements you are using the numbered or asterisked sentences.I know they are related, still a bit confused. Another element you might consider is in #1– is it useful to distinguish between how the instrument sounds when you try to play in the beginning or as it is supposed to be played…Read More
Thank you, Joel! Very detailed as always. The formatting here is a little limited. I’ll be fleshing out the numbered points in 5 videos (overview, each point, summary). The asterisks represent bullet points for the first video. #1–finished product sound; #2–how it feels to play; #3–this is funny, because “learning curve” was the phrase…Read More
Sorry, it maybe that learning curve is better for me than challenge level, and there maybe a more direct way to say it. Or maybe, I’m just Fickle! LOL!!!
Yes, I’m sure I managed to take it from bad to worse! And it’s really good to know. But actually #3 is the words I plan to use, and everything below is just notes. Thanks as always!
I really like this and love love the title. I have a curiosity around #2 – they don’t know how to play yet so is it about “how it feels to play with it!!!” – although that’s awkward languaging – but I do know what you mean. how it feels to hold the instruments? (although a piano you won’t hold it necessarily)…
the asterisk – the first one -…Read More-
Thanks, Daniela! Regarding #2 yes, I wish you could join us! There will be teachers at every station assisting folks with proper set-up and technique. You’d get an idea of how fussy each is (ukulele–not at all; violin–very) and whether your body (neck, shoulders, etc.) is more suited to one than another. Of course, this is just a taste, and…Read More
I love this so much! I have a desire to learn piano and ukelele… but #3 is definitely a barrier for me. I’d LOVE to visit your petting zoo though. 🙂
Did 1st social post for 1 month campaign for Movement for Change (Winning Workshop)- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/joel-elfman-bodymind-hypnotic_change-confidence-anxiety-activity-7036562082305077248-zg5F?
Landing page – https://mailchi.mp/a4843e67b503/vjlp7j2xpp
Looking good! I don’t quite understand the scale of 1 – 10 for what confidence feels like. How good it feels? Please include a time zone for the workshop in your post and on the landing page. Love the image of the kitty looking in the mirror! Is there a way to get a higher resolution photo?
Thanks so much Ruth! I will definitely include the TimeZone. The kitty-lion image one used to be found all over google images. I will look for a higher resolution version. And I will examine the numbering again, and see if I can make it more relatable or look at dropping it. Thanks again for all the great feedback.
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When your business has evolved and now it is time for your website to evolve too, here are my three Quick Expert Tips (turning from pain marketing to kind marketing. I bet they feel like crap because there website isn’t up to date, so give them the positive of it ❤️)