Who has used their 9 Word Emails? Come to class on Wed with something sent/posted so we can talk about the results and next steps. 🙂
Hey there! Slight delay in the replay. Please go here to view it from Wed’s meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/crFMhOydLdoe5adiLdrlDlDXL63uRj9xGrP8DMJYFWDdW0TXSqU3JyBI3CRhHI1x.kK1nz_SgV67UMMs4
Great meeting today! Here are the links of examples that Brea shared with us today + @diana-lidstonegmail-com‘s…Read More
Would love any and all feedback on my direct offer post that would go into an email:
Hi ***,
Did you know that data driven businesses are 23 times more likely to acquire new customers and 19 times more likely to be profitable? Those are some staggering statistics folks, whether you love numbers or hate them. The evidence is clear that looking at…Read More
Thanks Nancy. For a title I was thinking “It’s time for profitable decision making in your business”
Donna, I think that the arguments that you make so strongly to follow are too compelling, and almost demand, a hookier title. Let yourself get passionate about your topic, which you clearly are, and see what comes out :-D! ?How to make your numbers your best friend vs. your worst enemy? Stop sweeping the financial truth of your business under the…Read More
Nancy, thanks for your kind words.. love your suggestions.. I will have some fun with it and see what I can come up with. Titles are obviously not my strong point! On a side note, I would be happy to chat with you further if you wish, no need to wait till you hit $200K!
Donna, really good.
I would consider flipping “Are you ready to dump uncertain guesswork and start making profitable decisions in your business?, to “Are you ready to start making profitable decisions in your business, and dump uncertain guesswork?
And I would also consider, again switching the CTA around, “Book a call with me and let’s make…Read More
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I’m still working on this one, more to share soon 🙂