WandaCox changed their profile picture
Added a new blog post today explaining a couple of “hot buzzwords” in tech (and hopefully helping to make clear that I’m here to help make tech easier to understand) This is another post based on things I’ve learned in the CPC and JFB programs!
RuthieSterrett changed their profile picture
#guidance #input I have written my turning point after following the video @amymshannonhernandez-com suggested. Here is the email/post Iplan on sharing. I’d love feedback, please. Knowledge is power
Once you know you know
I had been offering professional intuitive (aka psychic) and mediumship readings for 16 years and was sick and tired…Read More
Great informative post. Like all of us we have some favorite words and we tend to use them a lot. Some of the “folks” could be deleted to make it less wordy 🙂