• Profile picture of SaraFins


    8 months, 2 weeks ago

    Hello! Here is my first stab at a ‘what’s new’ email. My CTA is to download my guide. I’d love any feedback. Is it clear? Compelling? Make sense? Thanks!

    Email 1:
    Is the fact that you feel like you aren’t good with numbers holding you back from getting your business finances in order?

    If so, here is what you can do about it:

    I’m seeing so many coaches and wellness professionals stay stuck when it comes to their business finances because they feel like they aren’t a ‘numbers person’. This holds them back from growing the revenue in their business and keeps their stress levels high.

    If this is you, you are not alone. And I want better for you!

    I believe that everyone can learn what they need to know when it comes to the money in their business with the right information and tools.

    What my clients tell me is this; when they put a few simple steps in place, they instantly feel more organized, confident and empowered when it comes to their finances and it feels so much easier to manage. They can finally see where their money is really going, so they can make better financial decisions for their business and have more money leftover at the end of the day.

    Sound good? Grab my complimentary resource to get started (link to opt in guide). Then, hit reply and let me know which step you will implement first. I can’t wait to hear from you!

    • Not a numbers person can be one of the answers on your new quiz lead magnet.

    • How can you touch more into the emotion? This line could be different: This holds them back from growing the revenue in their business and keeps their stress levels high.



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