• Will you join us in Miami on April 25-27th to create content live??? Here is the info. Let me know if you have any questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VNkbRw-fbST16XnItStSvVhkkeD4iWs6vSOkwbYJrUU/edit

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  • I’ve already put these questions into my Calendly link. At the moment, I’m totally experimenting, and I anticipating changing them. I already considering using some of Ann B’s questions instead of mine. And while I’ve asked the financial question @Q10, I haven’t tied a number to it yet.

    Q2: What are the most important changes you want to make i…Read More

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    • Not sure how I would answer this question: : What is the State or Feeling that would make your problem impossible to have?
      Q10, you have to give a price for this question. Is it $200 a month or a session? I wouldn’t be able to answer if there is not a dollar figure tied to it.

      • Thanks, Amy! I know Q3 “make your problem impossible to have” can be a headscratcher. It is designed to throw people a little bit outside their box, and might be better as a question asked during a Zoom call. I’m just testing it here. Thanks, again!

        • Q3 is so much better than what we looked at last Wednesday!

        • Great progress, Joel. I got some feedback myself last week that led me to eliminate a question. It was basically Are you willing to get vulnerable and playful in service of showing up as your most confident self . . . The feedback made me realize I was moving too fast, trying to move people along before I had established trust.

    • Q3 would you consider asking if (said problem) was not present what would you imagine you would experience?

  • Can’t wait to see your questions that we worked on together. Share them here and be ready to brainstorm on Wednesday. ❤️

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  • Revised 01 (parts in Square Brackets [] are for the video & won’t be in the text version) Stop “Shoulding” on Yourself

    Do you have a bunch of shoulds or shouldn’ts you keep telling yourself? Something you want to do differently, but haven’t managed to change so far.
    – I should exercise, I should lose weight, I should stop smoking, I should…Read More

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  • Hi everyone,

    I would love some commentary. I’ve tried to simplify as much as possible, but it is still running a bit longer than I would like.

    Stop “Shoulding” on Yourself

    Do you have a bunch of shoulds or shouldn’ts you keep telling yourself? Something you want to do differently, but haven’t managed to change so far. I should exercise,…Read More

    • I like the title “Stop Shoulding on Yourself!” It definitely draws me in…maybe a play on words? We’ve all been there “I should exercise, stop smoking, etc, so I feel this hook helps to keep me engaged. For the three tips, maybe an example of what this sounds like for 1)…..For two, I see you give the example about the client and her son, but…Read More

      • Thanks Keri for your feedback – the revised version is a little tighter, and the example for #2 is for the video version. I will record and the decide whether or not to cut it out. Thanks again!

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