• Direct Offer Email:

    Guten Tag, NAME,

    Do you want to become an engaged participant in German conversations? 

    I know how intimidating it is to learn and speak a new language from my own experiences. I did not dare to talk to people when I immigrated to Canada. I was so afraid everyone would think I was stupid because I could not express…Read More

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    Used the magic word, “repeatable”!
    Comments invited!

    Hello ,

    Do you want to build more influence at work so that you can reach your goals?

    If so, I would like to work with you in my PILOT Leadership Program designed for Asian women. This group program delivers the same system that has transformed many…Read More


    • I would remove the word PILOT. You know what you are doing and you can help these women. Adding Pilot makes this seem like it isn’t real. Like you are experimenting and not the leader you really are.
      The special benefits – like bonus coaching – is something that you can gift people once they are in. The feedback will happen because you build…Read More

    • Nice work Nancy.

      CAN BEING ASIAN SABOTAGE YOUR CAREER? (Not crazy about this title. Is this about their DNA, their cultural beliefs or others beliefs about Asians. Which one or ones are you addressing)

      I would make sure you hammer home, Who this is for, Asian woman, and Why, cultural heritage. Make sure they feel this is tailored to them, and…Read More

  • Would love any and all feedback on my direct offer post that would go into an email:

    Hi ***,

    Did you know that data driven businesses are 23 times more likely to acquire new customers and 19 times more likely to be profitable? Those are some staggering statistics folks, whether you love numbers or hate them. The evidence is clear that looking at…Read More

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  • Profile picture of Annette Presley

    Annette Presley changed their profile picture

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  • Here’s my invitation:

    Hello, ,
    Are you tired of seeing doctor after doctor only to get no real solutions or dismissed with an antidepressant as they rush you out the door?

    Are you tired of feeling like crap and wish you could just get your life back?

    If so, I would like to work with you in my 8-week Revived Woman Intensive. I have 10…Read More

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    • Rework: You are willing to try a new approach that will give you more energy, mental clarity, better control over mood and emotions, and get your hormones working on your side again (or for the first time).
      -Many of us have already tired what our docs have called “lifestyle changes” or “diet changes” I don’t think you need to be so weedy with…Read More

  • Here are the results from taking part in my Summer Conversation Sessions:
    1) You will become more comfortable and confident speaking German to be an engaged participant in conversations.
    2) You will increase your vocabulary for small talk and feel part of the conversations.
    3) You will connect and practice with other learners to feel supported…Read More

  • TAKE #2 – 3 results….

    Here’s the results for my 1-1 Coaching program (12 months) — input pls … Working with me you will…

    1. co-create & implement a VISIBILITY ROADMAP which ensures that you STAND OUT as the undeniable authority in your field so you magnetize dream clients with ease (without paid ads and perhaps without social med…Read More

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    • 1) I would say …” without paid ads and even social media”. Your clients can still use any or both, but you give them options to succeed without these tools. 2) Do you only work with entrepreneurs who already have a team? If I read this, I assume it is not for solopreneurs. 3) “… to pay yourself and your team competitively. You might even…Read More

    • #3 — Optimize your business model and metrics in your PROFIT Plan that will uncover hidden profit leaks and where you might be leaving money on the table.

      • Uncover hidden profit leaks and where you might be leaving money on the table so we can optimize your PROFIT Plan for the future.

    • I might change the second point to use a comma after bottleneck and then ‘allowing you the freedom you truly desire.’

  • Feedback on this business card draft?? Putting qualifiers right up front.
    Yeah it’s busy… but if the objective is to define the message and then shout it out there….. QR code goes right to my free consult scheduling page.
    (Also added the checkbox “OK to add to email list” when booking!)

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  • Hello everyone! Newbie here.
    Here’s an invitation I’m working on for an event – too much how – ideas for verbiage for results? Thanks for sharing your comments. 😊

    Are you ready for our Breathe, Eat, Relax Retreat?
    – You want to spend a day in a beautiful location near Lake Anna.
    – You want to enjoy yoga, meditation, and delicious pla…Read More

    1 Comment
  • Here is my invitation:

    Do you have a vision of increasing your impact and gaining more clients with retreats?

    If so, I would like to work with you in my IMPACT Retreat Roadmap Experience. I have three spots open for this
    You would be a great fit if you are an established thought leader/coach
    • that has developed a p…Read More

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