• Qualifiers for 5-day Dare to be Limitless Challenge.
    1. You are open to see life through your true essence to let go of difficulties and struggles.
    2. You struggle with emotional turmoil and want to handle emotions with ease.
    3. You want to get how manifestation truly works.

    • Feels like it needs more detail, more nuanced more emotion. “You’re tired of struggling w/ emotional turmoil…

    • Hi Joan! I wonder if you might want to add a BQualifier or two that speaks to the TANGIBLE outcomes that your ideal clients often yearn for? I sense that you want to attract those who are already open to a more philosophical or spiritual approach to life, yet we live in a tangible world that is often challenging for such people (especially now!).…Read More

  • BOLD Qualifier Content Notes:
    Who is even qualified to work with you? It’s time to get BOLD so you call in your perfect-fit clients.
    (This is an important part of Direct Offer Content [including your sales/landing pages])

    Step 1: What is your direct offer? We want you to be selling NOW!
    **Note – “selling” here can mean different thing…Read More

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  • Here’s my draft MYTH vs FACT post. Comments welcome!

    MYTH: Working Hard Should Be Enough

    FACT: “What got you here WON’T get you THERE” – Marshall Goldsmith
    Beyond professional skills, superior LEADERSHIP skills are needed to break through the glass ceiling for women, and the bamboo ceiling for Asians, to get promoted.

    FACT: A recent…Read More

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  • See you all at Noon ET to kick off our Bold Qualifiers. Zoom details are either in the calendar or the Course listing

    Did you download the Playbook for this month under the Starter Kit?

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  • I’m so excited to get started.

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  • Profile picture of SusanMaldonado

    SusanMaldonado changed their profile picture

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  • I finally recorded my MythBuster,

    . Could probably use a title page and an end page, as well. This will do for now.
    and I’ve revised the original article. I’m going to split it up so each fact will be a separate article, all linking to the same video.
    MythBuster v1 –“Strong Wil…Read More

  • Profile picture of SaraFins

    SaraFins changed their profile picture

  • For any other old farts in the group, here’s a chrome extension that turns the pretty grey text into readable black text:


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  • @abbyabacussolutionsfinancialcoaching-com @aimzdeehotmail-com (I hope I’ve found my right Zoom mates from the May sessions)

    I’m looking for feedback on my Myth Buster copy … Would you mind giving me your thoughts? This is my latest version.

    MYTH: I need huge time blocks and to write every single day to write a book.

    FACT –…Read More

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    • I really like the flow of everything but the first FACT – it seems a little clunky to me, not smooth. Would it be smoother if you remove the “but” connector and just used a semicolon?

    • Hi Ally, really great stuff in here. Shannon & Amy often talk about focusing on one idea. So, I would be curious if they would see needing “huge blocks of time” & “writing every day” are 2 concepts or 1. Also, “block” has multiple meanings. And could be fun to play with some of it’s meanings at the end, as in you “Writers’ “Block Party” vs.…Read More

    • Based on previous comments above, switch “blocks” & “chunks”. I would consider using more emotionally charged words & metaphors. Here is a potential example for Fact 1: FACT — Large chunks of time are stressful and hard to prioritize but smaller blocks are much easier to put in your day and stick to.
      Think about the number of tasks you have to a…Read More

    • Please forgive for this. I’m not sure if your last 2 Facts are potentially wandering from fact to opinion. I would advocate for making sure your facts are inarguable.
      Fact 2 – I would consider adding something about, if you have a regular job or a host of responsibilities, then …. is exhausting.
      Might also help you define your audience to…Read More

      • I felt that line was getting a little wobbly (fact v opinion), too, Joel. I think I was seeing ‘Fact’ more as ‘reframe’ and ‘myth’ as the current belief. Maybe I should try changing it so BELIEF and REFRAME to be more accurate?

        • I think Nancy Chen & Karen Joy Fritz make some nice suggestions on how you can reframe the facts (beliefs) you stated. You can ask whether these are technically MythBusters, but regardless, still seems to be a totally useful article.

    • Hi Ally, Good points here leading to your CTA, I think your copy may be even more effective if it were tightened up and punchier. E.g., Myth: I will never finish my book unless I devote huge blocks of time to write EVERY SINGLE DAY. Fact: I have helped dozens of /many clients finish their books on deadline by co-designing a personal writing…Read More

    • I like this! I lke how you compared it to working your muscles. And I like how you recapped the myth at the end.

    • Fact #1, while true, is not helpful to your cause. The fact you want is that a book CAN get done in small chunks.

      Fact #2: Not writing every day doesn’t make you ineffective, it can actually be helpful

      Fact #3: You can complete your book in a way that serves you, your life, and your schedule

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