• Community question: I’m struggling to remember how to add friends in this forum so I can tag my teammates for this month…I’m sorry to ask, but would someone mind walking me through it real quick? Much appreciated!!

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  • Hello, hello!!
    Posting my Myth vs Fact draft here. For whatever reason, I continue to attract high-achievers to my hypnotherapy practice, and they’re really incredibly cool to work with. This is a post targeted to that crowd… I welcome any and all feedback here, Dr. Judy and Joan are my micro-team for this. Thanks in advance!

    Are you a…Read More

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  • Ok, so taking action and would love feedback @nancychen1gmail-com, @brhwcoachinggmail-com, @amymshannonhernandez-com… Thanks

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  • MythBuster v2 –“Strong Willpower Will Always Trump Emotions”

    Fact 1 – Your unconscious is about 100X faster than your conscious mind. Whatever exercise of will you wanted to make is long gone, before willpower can stop it. Basically, your horse is off to the races, and crossing the finish line, before you can even grab the reins. And way too o…Read More

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    • Hi Joel, will you have a visual that goes with the text?

      • Hi Malinda, I hadn’t originally considered a visual, I was going to test recording it. I do like your idea though. I could imagine perhaps a horse drawing or two to illustrate. Thanks for the suggestion.

    • Hi Joel! Wonder if using simpler, conversational words would make your piece even more powerful? Win over vs trumps; power through, knee jerk reactions vs anticipatory. Simplify and tighten it up perhaps? Also, perhaps refining your viewpoint; often willpower can only get you so far; then what? Seriously, consider HYPNOSIS — and why? FACT:…Read More

  • A first attempt at a visual to go with a post (no, I haven’t done word-making yet… I just want an attagirl for finally making time to do something with this!)

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  • Profile picture of TinaJones

    TinaJones changed their profile picture

  • Myth: German is a Challenging Language to Learn

    Fact 1:
    Every letter and letter combination has a distinct sound. You usually pronounce German words the same way you spell them phonetically. Therefore, pronunciation is easy once you have mastered the alphabet.

    Fact 2:
    Learning German is easy – especially for English speakers. Both…Read More

    • Hi Kerstin, This is very simple and clear. I would consider opening w/ Fact 2, and moving Fact 1 down, German is easy. For Fact 3, you might consider taking out that grammar is the hard part and stay w/ logical. And I would switch the last sentence around to emphasis, you can start speaking w/ others, even w/o perfect grammar. I think it makes a…Read More

    • Hi Kerstin, what if you try to shorten and simplify each Fact so that a 12-year old can understand it quickly — that’s the average reading comprehension of us here in the US anyway. Perhaps a version that is less academic/intellectual may be more powerful and to the point?

  • Hi. When the May Playbook is ready, can we get it posted? Thanks!

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  • MythBuster v1 – Is Willpower the Best Motor for Change?
    Not sure about the title yet. And Fact 2 can probably be split in two.

    Fact 1- The amount of willpower you have is finite. And will raise or lower depending on physical & mental health, vitality, energy levels, stress, trauma, sleep, what’s important to you &/or what else is on you…Read More

    • Joel – who are your Zoom Mates this month in your pod? You’ll want to tag them so they can review this and give feedback!

    • Hello Joel, I am one of your Zoom Mates. For the title, I would prefer Is Willpower the Best Motivator/Motivation for Change? I can relate to the fact that you present and find them compelling to try hypnosis. Fact 1: I would use nouns for all reasons. Fact 2, I would add the horse as an example to visualize what you mean. Let’s imagine a horse…Read More

    • Maybe make the Myth an erroneous statement to make it more catchy. Like “You have to go through the misery of white-knuckling-it to change your life.”

      • Thanks Jessica. definitely, something to think about. “I Kept Begging for Willpower”, “Willpower Added 100 pounds to My Diet”, although these are not Myth-Buster titles.

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