• Profile picture of CarrieWulf


    11 months ago

    Struggling a bit with the LCT Welcome Letter. I am not keen on the phrase “checklist assessment,” but I am unsure what else to call it. Here is what I have so far:

    Hello there!
    I’m so happy you found From Tangled Tech to Smooth Systems: Your playbook for evaluating how your software and workflows align with expansion and growth. Let’s discuss how you can put it into play.

    If you are a women-owned small business or entrepreneur with a small team (I’m talking 10 or fewer amazing humans) and want to use your sphere of influence for the greater good, I got you! Small ripples can make big waves, and I want to help you have the time to work with those causes that are close to your heart.

    Why would I want to help you give back to your community?

    At the Wulfden, we strive to bring kindness and acceptance to every aspect of our business and community. We want to see everyone thrive, which means we fully support and celebrate the diversity that makes you the amazing human you are. We prioritize giving back through our sphere of influence and are here to support you to do the same.

    This resource will help you clarify all the different software programs and workflows you are using, whether they are aligned with your goals, and if they position you for growth without burnout.

    Enjoy this checklist assessment – I hope to speak with you soon!

    Carrie Wulf
    Operations and Workflow Expert

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    • I like it Carrie. The only thing I would add is… “I hope to speak with you soon!” doesn’t sound like an invitation. (in sales we have to ASK for the order). What’s the next step or action you want them to take after this?

    • Hey Carrie, I feel like the connection between your values and the purpose of the resource could be stronger. It took me a few reads to get what you were going for, and I still feel like I’m reading between the lines.

      Specifically, I wouldn’t repeat the title in the first sentence. I would use the brass tacks description you have at the end but bulleted so it is easy to skim, so it starts like this (brackets are my additions and edits):

      Hello there! I’m so happy you found From Tangled Tech to Smooth Systems.

      This resource will help you clarify:
      – [the purpose of all the] different software programs and workflows you are using;
      – whether [or not] they are aligned with your goals;
      – if [these programs can] position you for growth without burnout; and,
      – [what to do if they can’t].

      I am potentially editing the intent of your resource with my changes, however, as a systems person myself I suspect these additions of my are already things you cover but may not be highlighting.

      Then I would do an intro of yourself along with the value piece.

      I believe that would help it flow better and give them what they want/need to keep reading right up front.

      Please feel free to ignore my advice if it doesn’t resonate!



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