Here is my invitation:
Do you have a vision of increasing your impact and gaining more clients with retreats?
If so, I would like to work with you in my IMPACT Retreat Roadmap Experience. I have three spots open for this
You would be a great fit if you are an established thought leader/coach
• that has developed a p…Read More2 Comments -
BethShenton changed their profile picture
Here’s the results for my 1-1 Coaching program (12 maths) — input pls
1. co-create & implement a VISIBILITY ROADMAP which differentiates you as the undeniable authority in your field so you magnetize dream clients with ease (without paid ads and perhaps without social media)
2. maximize your profits (not just your revenue) with systems,…Read More2 Comments-
Agree with Amy #3 is about YOU and your guidance, not their result….
Had a consult call yesterday – first time I have spoken with someone where I said right up front that my single session is no longer for sale… that the longer program is needed to get results! I used my bold qualifiers to describe the people who achieve the best results from working with me. He and his wife took lots of notes and were…Read More
Question for the community: My CP is In-Person and one of the recommendations is Patreon. I’m only somewhat familiar with it (actually, I’m a hobbyist painter and someone suggested I put work there). Anyone familiar with using Patreon for thought-leadership work? How often do you post? What kind of material do you put there that is ‘special’ for members?
Hey Nicole! Patreon is a great option for building community around pay walls/paid levels of membership. For example, to join a Patreon as a patron, you must pay some amount to get access to the content each month. Maria and I host our community here for our Podcast, and after 1000s of downloads and lots of CTAs about it – we have two paying…Read More
Is Superpower Your Abundance Program Right for you?
You have learned all manifestation techniques but you haven’t really got what you want in the area you deeply care about.
You may have manifested some great things, at the same time you unconsciously repeat some bad situations.
You may be a manifesting coach, but you struggle f…Read More
TEST – bold qualifiers…
Are you an expert consultant who is a generalist (a general law practitioner; a general financial advisor, a general HR consultant) … so you’re brand doesn’t stand out from your competition.You dream of becoming a sought-after lawyer (advisor, consultant) but no matter what you do, it’s not happening.
If you’re…Read More
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Here is the draft for my BOLD qualifiers. I would love your feedback.
Imagine you travel to Germany and can start a conversation with a native speaker without a translator. Think about how it feels when you communicate to get to know someone. Maybe, you remember a situation when a foreigner addressed you in your mother tongue. How did it…Read More
you are ready to have fun and commit to actively participating in the programme, – instead of mentioning actively participating in the program… what is the results they get from having fun and actively participating?
Or try you are ready to have fun and commit to actively grow your German vocabulary
Thanks! I mixed the “before vs after” program exercise, with the Bold Qualifiers…
The people who get the best results:
Before (bold qualifiers)
Over 70k annual household income, but maybe aside from some 401k funds, not really building wealth
Find budgeting frustrating, useless, or both.
Make monthly debt payments besides a mortgage.
Give no…Read More
Happy Monday! Who has shared their BOLD Qualifiers with their mailing list or on social?
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Third bullet gramer: • You want to increase your impact and income WITH intention.
The 3 step process is very clear. Good work!