• Direct Offer Content:

    Does your tech and systems look a little bit like this? A little bit of a CRM stuck to your online learning platform. And then we toss in a few spreadsheets, an e-commerce storefront with a project management system. Don’t forget your website too!

    And somehow, they all have to play nice together and run your b…Read More

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    • I like this because in your testimony she says ‘in a few months’ which gives people realistic expectations. Great testimony also because she highlights at the end that she has systems that run without her constantly monitoring and speaks to your offer to streamline systems and build better workflows. Nice job!

    • where did you find the toy photo? that is so freaking perfect!

    • with that testimonial, you don’t have to use it all. Here is how I would rework it to fit this offer and not confuse your reader. AND I have a question – will you be the one traking KPIs, tasks, etc with this offer? If not… ditch this and start with Together “Today, she tracks KPIs, ensures all tasks are completed by my team, has a list of…Read More

      • @amymshannonhernandez-com So that’s a little tricky. I have released that client and no longer work with her. I’m not sure if I can/should reword that testimonial to read in the past tense.

        • yes you should. It doesn’t have to be word-for-word exact. And, you don’t have to keep everything because it no longer relates to the work you do.
          My question for you (and everyone else reading/thinking this) is this testimony actually saying what you need it to say and does it make sense? Right now, Carrie, as written – it is confusing and takes…Read More

          • I don’t handle the implementation and ongoing maintenance/retainer work. I provide them with the audit blueprint and make recommendations for what needs to be restructured and changed. I can manage the change over, but don’t implement.

    • I love how you painted the picture at the beginning. I could totally see it!

  • Value Messaging
    Wrote up a draft new client story. These client stories are intended to:
    – demonstrate my expertise and 3-step process (define brand needs / design photo concept and expression / capture essence in the photo shoot)
    – draw potential clients into imagining what this discovery and expression process might look like for themselves
    -…Read More

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    • Wow @danbadassity-com I LOVE this for so many reasons. We will get a visual with the story, we get the process you use – from the questions you ask AND then we get your insight as an expert about the elements of the photograph. I LOVE THIS. I might would ask a quesiton at the end that would engage people to comment/hit reply in email that would…Read More

    • @danbadassity-com also – can you please uploadd your picture to your profile so we see YOU?

    • Went right to your website to see the photo. Awesome, Dan!

    • I love how you wrote about what she wanted and then connected it to your outcome and how you met her needs and communicated her message through the picture. example-the stone church courtyard for its solidity and stability. great job!

      • Thank you so much, Allison! For me the question is always, what does this photograph need to express / communicate? That drives everything else. Appreciate your feedback!
