Here’s the first go-around of my values statements. Comments welcome.
KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman
Are you still working on your core values? We are getting together again tomorrow at noon ET.
Kerstin Peters is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Club Members
Time: Jan 10, 2023 12:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom…Read More
Kerstin Peters is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Club Members
Time: Jan 10, 2023 12:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81414121241?pwd=VG9aZTdGNis1RVcyaGg4T0g0T205QT09Meeting ID: 814 1412 1241
Passcode: 064801
I made a pop-up subscription form. Here is a screenshot. This still needs to be corrected by Safrianna’s suggested change.
Great idea. I love the layout. The third core value doesn’t flow yet. I would take out to be resourceful.
After a terrific consult, I came up w/ these 3 Core Value Statements. Many Thanks to today’s pod people, Kerstin Peters, Susan Lazar Hart & Ann James
– CONNECTION – I believe that the more our conscious & unconscious connect (align), the better we are able to access the vast array of resources within us
– FLOW – I believe when mind & body w…Read More
Joel – these are really clear and the fact you got it down to 3 is super impressive!
I like the use of the word align in your connect statement.
Suggested change to RESILIENCY for clarity in reading – I believe in our ability to be resourceful and bounce back, regardless of the curve balls life throws us. This invaluable trait can be m…Read More
BRConservatory core values
We believe in…
EASE: Music learning can be approachable, pain-free, and joyful.
EXPRESSION: You have something to say and music is a beautiful and fun way to say it.
MASTERY: The technical aspect of music is learnable. The spirit is already in you–we’ll [give you the tools to translate it through your voice/instrument…Read More-
I love the Core Value statements for EASE & EXPRESSION.
The MASTERY statement feels off. Why aren’t all skills something that people deserve to excel at?
I think there is a better way to say this or something else that wants to be expressed.
Not sure this isn’t repetitive or long (there might be better words to use). MASTERY: Music is a…Read More -
I am confused on what the “Not Methods” means in: We teach students (not methods) with kindness, honesty, and creativity.
Ah, right! I mean we don’t teach a specific methodology or system (like the Suzuki method) at the expense of the student. I’ll work on that language.
Is this better? CONNECTION: We create customizable learning plans (?) for each student using kindness, honesty, and innovation.
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Brenda Uekert
Annette Presley
Love these. I like the layout as well. I REALLY appreciate the languaging for FUN!